Daily Archives: October 19, 2014

Monday 20th October 2014

Hello everybody and welcome to our school blog.  It is the last week of this half term and  I can hardly believe how quickly it has gone  All the children have worked really hard and have settled well in their new classes. It is lovely to see them so happy. School will close at 3pm this Friday, 24th October and re-open at the normal time on Monday 3rd November.

Bradford Metropolitan Food Bank Collection On behalf of Miss Azzopardi, I would like to say a big thank you to everybody who has supported this wonderful charity by sending in items of food. The response has been absolutely fantastic and as always your generousity has been amazing.   A representative of the charity will be collecting the food today after leading an assembly for our children.

This week at Copthorne

Stephen Lawrence Week This week is Stephen Lawrence week.  Throughout the week we will be learning more about the countries in our world and how everyone in it is different and special in their own way.  On Tuesday we will be holding our first Diversity Day, during which, the children will be working alongside different teachers and children from all year groups across the school.  Drummers Unite will be coming into school to run different workshops  where the children will have the opportunity to experience African dancing and learn how to play an African drum.

Parents’ Evening

Our annual reporting to parents will take place on Thursday 23rd October from 3.15pm – 6pm.  You should have already received a letter last week asking you to make an appointment to come and speak to the class teacher.  We are looking forward to seeing as many parents’ as possible at the first parents’ evening of this academic year.  During the evening you will have the opportunity to talk to your child’s class teacher about how your child has settled into his/her new class, hear about his/her targets for this term and look at the wonderful work the children have been producing.  I will also be collecting your views and ideas for Copthorne during the evening. I look forward to seeing you there.

“Hola” from Year 2!

On Monday 20th October, children in Year 2 will be having a Spanish Day. The children are not required to wear school uniform on that day but must wear red items of clothing with a Spanish theme. The children will be cooking and tasting traditional Spanish food, speaking Spanish and dancing and listening to Spanish music.  The children have also been learning simple phrases at home and at school which they will be demonstrating on Monday.  I am looking forward to visiting their classes and joining in with their learning.  Have a fun day Year 2! You will have lots to share with our Spanish visitors from the Comenius project when they join us in December.


Exceed Football Competition

Last Monday our Year 3/4 football team took part in an Exceed Football competition.  The team played really well and overall came fourth in the competition. Mr Khan said that the team showed really good sportsmanship and they were a credit to our school. On Wednesday of this week our Year 5/6 football team will compete against Lidget Green Primary School.  We wish them all the best and are behind them all the way.

Diwali Assembly

On Friday our Year 3 pupils will be performing their Diwali assembly in front of the whole school and their parents. We are all thoroughly looking forward to learning all about the Hindu culture and Diwali festival.  The assemblies will be at 9.15am and 2.30pm and all parents and carers are invited.  It would be lovely if as many of you as possible could join us. 

Events for your diary

Fire fighters’ Charity Collection

On Tuesday 4th November, we will be carrying out a collection of unwanted or used clothes, shoes, belts and handbags in order to raise money for the Fire Fighters’ Charity and the school fund.  Later this week you will be receiving a letter and a collection bag which is to be filled with the items listed above – please feel free to fill as many additional bags as you can (bin bags can be used). We would be grateful if you could also ask other members of your family and our community to fill bags for us. Please ensure that only items on the list are included: no bric-a-brac, household items or toys please. The bags should be brought into school by 9:00am on Tuesday 4th November 2014. We value your help in raising funds which will allow us to provide even more stimulating experiences for Copthorne’s children whilst supporting the fire fighters who provide such a valuable service to us all.

I would like to wish you all a lovely holiday and hope that you have an enjoyable break with your families. Thank you for your continuing support this half term.

Mrs Shepherd

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