Daily Archives: October 7, 2014

Eid Mubarak!

I hope you all had a lovely , extra long weekend celebrating Eid with your families. It was lovely to see our children so excited about Eid and looking so smart in their Eid clothes last Friday.


McMillan Coffee Morning

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came in to school last Tuesday and supported our coffee morning.  Also, thank you to everyone who baked and brought some delicious buns and cakes in.  The hall looked like a scene from the Great British Bake Off!  It was a lovely morning and we managed to raise just over £200 which is fantastic.  We will be sending this money off to McMillan Cancer Research this week.  Once again thank you, as always, for your support.


This week at Copthorne:-


Breakfast/Tuck Shop

As you know, here at Copthorne, we are always looking for ways to further support our children and their families.  We are aware that mornings can be a very busy time for families and there is not always the opportunity for breakfast.  We will, therefore, in addition to the usual breakfast club arrangements, now be selling cereal/breakfast bars and cartons of fresh juice in the playground from 8.15am each day.  The cost for these items will be; cereal/breakfast bar – 40p and cartons of juice 20p.  These items will be on sale from Tuesday 7th October in the front playground.  If your child wishes to buy these items, please ensure they have the correct money with them each day. 


Julia Donaldson Exhibition

On Wednesday, our Reception classes will visit the Julia Donaldson exhibition at Cartwright Hall.  Julia Donaldson is the very talented author of wonderful books such as “The Gruffalo”, “Room on a Broom” and “The Troll”.  The children will spend the afternoon at the exhibition where they will have the opportunity to take part in role play activities and learn about the author.  I am sure they will have a fantastic time taking part in the activities that have been arranged for them.


Forest Schools

On Friday, our Year 4 pupils will continue with their Forest School adventures. I am sure that the children will have a wonderful time in the fresh air, developing their investigative and team work skills whilst caring for the environment.


I hope you have an enjoyable week

Mrs Shepherd
















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