Daily Archives: October 12, 2014

Monday 13th October 2014

Hello everyone, I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend and are ready to begin a new week.  The weeks seem to be passing by very quickly and it is hard to believe that we will be breaking up for the October break in two weeks time. The weather has now turned extremely autumnal so I hope you are all wrapping up and keeping warm.

This week at Copthorne:

Year 1 visit Saltaire Canal

This week, as part of their Netherlands theme geography focus, Year 1 will be visiting the Saltaire Canal.  The children will be comparing the local area at Saltaire with the canals in Holland and then writing recounts about their visit.  I know the children are really excited about this trip and I hope that they have a great day.  1 Oak will going to the canal on Tuesday and the visit for 1 Ash will take place on Wednesday.  Have a great time Year 1!


Support for the Food Bank

This year our school will be supporting the Bradford Metropolitan Food Bank. This is a charity which provides food bags to Bradford families who are struggling to feed themselves and their children. The charity is the only registered food bank in the Bradford area and is entirely reliant on donations of food. The demand for this service has increased dramatically over the last few years.  In 2004 the charity distributed 300 bags but this year 5,852 have already been given out, with over 1,000 in July alone. Therefore, we are asking children and their families to donate any of the items listed below, bringing them into school from tomorrow, Tuesday 14th October to Monday 20th October, where the food you have generously donated will be collected by a representative of the food bank. We will be collecting tinned and dry foods such as: Rice, pasta, flour, sugar, jam, tinned vegetables and tinned fruit.  There will be a competition to see which class can collect the most items, with the winning class receiving reward time in school. This type of activity is a very important part of our children’s education at Copthorne, teaching them to think about and support others less fortunate than themselves. Thank you as always for your continued support and kind donations

Science Afternoon Tea

On Wednesday 15th October, I will be having afternoon tea with a group of our children representing each year group. During our meeting we will be talking about what the children have been learning about in Science. This will be the second  meeting I will be holding with the children and am looking forward to hearing about their understanding of and views on this important area of the curriculum. The first meeting proved very successful and was such a pleasure to hear the children’s views and comments about History in our school.  I am sure this meeting will be very enjoyable and am really looking forward to chatting with the children.

Dates for your Diary:

Fire fighters’ Clothing Collection : 4th November 2014

Parents’ Evening: Thursday 23rd October 2014, 3-6pm

Have a great week everyone.

Mrs Shepherd





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