Monthly Archives: September 2014

Monday 29th September 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to another week at Copthorne . I know that you and your families will be busy making preparations for the forthcoming Eid celebration and I hope that you have a wonderful time together on this special day. Please note that school will be closed on Monday 6th October for the Eid holiday.

Hawkshead Residential

Last week was an extremely exciting one for our Year 6 pupils as they spent 3 days at Hawkshead in the Lake District.  I went along with the group to spend the first day there with them.  On our arrival at Windermere, we took a ferry cruise to the Lakes Aquarium on the opposite shore. During the ferry ride a number of members of the public came over to talk to us to say what an absolute credit our children were to their families and to Copthorne as their manners and conduct were so good. We were all very proud of them.

This outstanding behaviour continued during our visit to the aquarium where we were taken on a guided tour around all of the amazing animals and aquatic life that they have there. The children’s favourites included tiny harvest mice, giant snails,  monkeys and the pair of otters that posed so nicely for us to take their photos. It was a wonderful experience. The first day ended with a fabulous 3 course meal back at the Youth Hostel and a number of team games. By the time I left to return to school everyone had settled in and was having a brilliant time. 

During the rest of their stay, the children visited the Hawkshead Grammar School Museum to learn about school life in the past and, especially, the 18th century. As part of the visit the children experienced a lesson in the school room as it would have been in the time of the poet, William Wordsworth who attended the school.

The whole group returned to school safe and sound on Friday afternoon, keen to tell their families about their experiences and, staff included, ready for a big sleep after their adventures. Thank you to all the staff who organised and took part in the residential: Mr Darr, Miss Wood, Miss Nelson, Mr Lloyd, Mrs Robinson, Mr H Khan, Miss Parveen and  Mr Zaman. We also want to thank Mr A Khan and Mrs Nisar for driving to Hawkshead to drop off/collect our children. We really apreciate the time you all gave to make sure that our children had such a wonderful experience. You deserve a well earned rest!

Comenius Trip to Lithuania

Today, 4 members of our staff, Mrs Whalley, Mr Darr, Miss Azzopardi and Mr H Khan are travelling to Lithuania to join our Comenius colleagues. During the visit the staff will be meeting representatives from the other 9 countries in the project to plan the next few remaining visits which will include them visiting our school in December. They will visit a Lithuanian Primary School and visit local landmarks.  We wish them an enjoyable and safe trip and are looking forward to hearing all about their adventures on their return and leaning more about the way children are taught in Lithuania.


World’s Biggest Coffee Morning – We Need Cakes Urgently!!

On Tuesday 30th September, we will be holding a coffee morning to raise funds for the charity McMillan Cancer Relief.   The event will take place from 9:00-10.30am in the school hall and we will be selling coffee and cakes to raise money for this wonderful charity. The money we raise at the coffee morning will help go towards vital funds to make sure families are supported  through treatment and beyond at one of the most distressing times of their lives. If any of you enjoy baking and would like to bake cakes, biscuits or savoury products which we can sell during the coffee morning that would be greatly appreciated. Please bring your baked goods to school with you either at the end of school on Monday or first thing on Tuesday. It would be lovely to see as many of you as possible at this event.


School Council Meeting

On Thursday 2nd October, children from our  School Council will attend their first external School Council Meeting of this academic year. The Council is made up of two children from each year group.  They represent the views of our other children and suggest ideas about how we can keep improving our school. They will meet with other children from our Local Area Primary Schools.  The meeting will be held at Horton Grange Primary School where they will have a tour around the school and have lunch. After lunch they will share ideas and discuss projects with the other councillors. We look forward to hearing all about their new ideas.


Forest Schools

A group of 4 Beech’s pupils will be the first group this year to take part in the Forest Schools programme on Friday, 4th October at the St Ives Estate.  This is always a popular trip with our children who will take part in activities to build their self-esteem and confidence in an outdoor environment. All learning during the day takes place outside where the children learn woodland craft and explore the woods. Through such activities the children also develop care and responsibility for our environment. I am sure they will have a fantastic time and I look forward to hearing all about their adventures on their return to school.


Star of the Month Assembly

This Friday, 3rd October, we will hold our Star of the Month Assembly. At the assembly one pupil from each class will be  rewarded for exceptional learning behaviour and work.  Staff working in each class  nominate the children they feel have displayed a no excuses, positive attitude. Well done to this month’s award winners – Copthorne is so proud of you all.

Dates for your Diary

School will be closed on 6th October for an Eid holiday

Parents’ Evening: Thursday 23rd October 2014, 3-6pm

Firefighters’ Charity: Unwanted Clothes Collection: Tuesday 4th November

I hope you all  have a wonderful week and will hopefully see many of you at our coffee morning on Tuesday.

Mrs Shepherd




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English – Aaarrgghh Spider!

This week we are reading the story ‘Aaarrgghh spider!’ The story is about a lonely spider that just wants to be a family pet. This week we will be learning the story through role play and sequencing because on Thursday we will be writing our own version of the story. Ask your child to tell you the story as they have especially enjoyed shouting Aaarrgghh spider!

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The Netherlands

Our Copthorne Curriculum topic for this half term is ‘Through the Keyhole’, we will be looking at houses and homes in our local area and comparing them with those in The Netherlands. As our focus country is ‘The Netherlands’ we will also be carrying out a range of activities to do with this such as artwork which imitates the style of Vincent van Gough. Do you know any facts about The Netherlands?

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Let’s Go, Flamenco!

Year 2 had an amazing time on Thursday learning to dance the Flamenco with Patricia Skeet from Hebden Bridge Flamenco as part of their Copthorne Curriculum theme all about Spain, Let’s Go, Flamenco!

What was your favourite part of the Flamenco?

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A Turkish Delight!

In Year 4 we have been finding out all about the Republic of Turkey. You have all found out some fantastic facts to answer your ‘I wonder’ questions. We are going to be creating a tourist leaflet to convince people to visit Turkey. Can you share an interesting fact about Turkey, that would encourage people to visit?


File:Pamukkale 20.jpg

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Persuasive writing

 In Year 6, we have been learning about persuasive writing to help us create a persuasive holiday brochure.

Hand Writing by bitterjug - Hand-drawn hand writing blue wiggly lines in blue pencil

Can you write a persuasive writing feature and give an example?

For example: Alliteration – Silky, smooth sand.

the sandy beach by belier - the sandy beach

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The Poland Express!

In Year 3 we’ve had a fantastic time finding out about life in Poland.  We’re busy creating holiday brochures. Can you share a really interesting fact that could persuade somebody to go on holiday to Poland?


Posted in Year 3 Homework | 2 Comments

Monday 22nd September 2014

Hello everybody and welcome to another week at Copthorne.  I hope you had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to the week ahead. As you can see we have lots of activites this week and it is lovely to see the school so busy.



As part of their Creative Curriculum and Comenius theme:Let’s Go Flamenco’, Year 2 received a visit from Patricia Skeet from Hebden Bridge Flamenco Dancers last Thursday.   The children enjoyed a lovely day learning all about the Spanish culture. They learnt rhythmic clapping (palmas), dance movements and performed a short dance.  They had an insight into Flamenco’s fascinating cultural background and learnt a few basic spanish words.  At the end of the day, Patricia said what a wonderful school we had and that the staff and children were a delight to work with.  Well done to all Year 2 children and staff for being fantastic ambassadors for our school. I look forward to hearing all about what you have learnt.

Fantastic Art

Two of our lovely Year 2 children came to show me their marvellous art work today. They have designed and produced pictures inspired by Picasso using a mixture of collage and drawing skills. I am sure that you too will enjoy them. The work shows real flair, attention to detail and reflects great observational skills. Well done Sareesa and Aqib. I look forward to seeing what the rest of Year 2 creates after such inspiration.



Curriculum Afternoon Tea

On the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd September, I will be having “afternoon tea” with some of our children to look at what they have been learning about in History. This is the first of our afternoon teas which will give me the opportunity to chat to the children and find out about the depth of their understanding of various aspects of the curriculum. I am so looking forward to this first meeting and the sharing the children’s learning.

This week at Copthorne

Keeping year 6 Safe

This week and next week our Year 6 children will be visiting the Bradford Bulls Stadium to take part in the Stay Safe Project. The children will meet with members of the emergency services, road safety and water safety teams to learn how to be safe in different environments. The visits will take place as part of a normal school day and I am sure that, as usual, our children will be a credit to Copthorne.


Residential Trip to Hawkshead

From Wednesday 24th to Friday 26th September, 41 of our year 6 pupils will be taking part in the residential visit to Hawkshead in the Lake District.  The children will be accompanied by Mr Darr, Miss Wood, Miss Nelson, Mrs Robinson, Mr H Khan, Mr Lloyd, Miss Parveen and, for the first day, me.

This trip is very important in helping our children work together as a team and in giving them the opportunity to stay away from home for the first time in a safe but new environment. During their stay the children will be carrying out work to extend their learning in a number of curriculum areas including Geography, History and Art.  They will be taking part in activities such as horse riding, archery and will be going on a ferry cruise to visit an aquarium. We wish all the pupils and staff an enjoyable trip and I look forward to hearing all about their adventures on their return.


Reception Learning Workshop

On Friday 26th September 1R and 2R will be holding a learning workshop in the classrooms for parents and carers starting at 8:40am. During the workshop the teachers will be modelling a maths and literacy lesson illustrating how children learn maths and literacy skills using the provision. Parents will also have the opportunity to  watch adult led literacy and maths carpet sessions. This will provide you with ideas for and ways of supporting your child with their maths and literacy at home.  Refreshments will be provided in the hall after the session when you will have an opportunity to ask any questions.  We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this informative event.

Dates for your Diary

World’s Biggest Coffee Morning!

On Tuesday 30th September, we will be holding a coffee money to raise funds for the charity McMillan Cancer.  (Please note that this is a change of date from the one previously advertised.)  The event will take place from 9:00-10.30am in the school hall and we will be selling coffee and cakes to raise money for this wonderful charity. The money we raise at the coffee morning will help go towards vital funds to make sure families are supported  through treatment and beyond at one of the most distressing times of their lives. If any of you enjoy baking and would like to bake cakes, biscuits or savoury products which we can sell during the coffee morning that would be greatly appreciated It would be lovely to see as many of you as possible at this event.

If you do intend to do some baking for this worthy cause then please bring your baking to school for 8.45 that morning.

Dates for your diary

Parents’ Evening: Thursday 23rd October 2014, 3-6pm

Eid: School will be closed on 6th October for an Eid holiday

Firefighter Clothes Collection – Tuesday 4th November

As you can see we have another busy week to look forward to. Thank you for your continued support. It is always a pleasure to come to work here at Copthorne and to work with such wonderful children and their families.

Mrs Shepherd





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Monday 15th September 2014

Hello everybody and welcome to another exciting week at Copthorne.  It was lovely to see the children settle so quickly and sensibly into their new classes last week. They are all eager to learn and are enjoying their time with their new teachers. It has been a delight to welcome our new pupils in Reception and Nursery. We know that they are going to be happy here at Copthorne.

Key Stage Meetings for Parents

I would like to thank all our Parents and Carers who attended the Key Stage meetings last week during which they had the opportunity to find out about what our children will be learning throughout this school year and the expectations and arrangments as regards work, homework and behaviour.  This was a great success and it is always a pleasure to see you at these events.

This week at Copthorne:-

Roald Dahl Day

Throughout this year, children in Year 3 will be reading the fascinating and wonderful novels written by Roald Dahl. On Monday 15th September, Year 3 will be celebrating 50 wonderful years of Roald Dahl’s famous story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  They will take part in a live stream across the globe from the Theatre Royal Drury Lane in London, where the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory musical is staged!  Children from across the world can send in questions about Roald Dahl which will be answered by the author of Fantastic Mr Dahl and the former Children’s laureate, Michael Rosen.  There will be many wondrous treats and surprises in store for the children and this promises to be very exciting and entertaining afternoon.  I am looking forward to hearing all about it!!


Drama Club

As part of the range of extra-curricular activities organised by Exceed, we will be running a Drama Club starting on Thursday 18th September for Years 5 and 6 from 3-5pm.  The Drama Club children will have the opportunity to work alongside children from the other Exceed Schools at Grange Technology College and put together a Pantomime which will be performed in front of families in December. A letter has already been sent out to children last week and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Our school ran this club last year and the children that took part were amazing and had such talent  – I am sure we will be seeing them on our screens or on the stage at some point in the future!


Exceed Activity Clubs

Exceed are running a number of different clubs this year, most of these clubs are open access and children can come in anytime between the 2 hours stated.  The Activity Clubs include lots of fun activities such as Sports, Arts, Xbox, Wii, Pool and much more.  So that the adults are not feeling left out,  there be will an asian dress-making class which will begin on Tuesday 16th September –  for further details please call 01274 570237.

Please see below for a list of activites, times and venues:-

Girls Club  (8yrs-11yrs)   – Saturdays, 11am to 12.45pm – Princeville Children’s Centre, starts Saturday 13th September. £1

Activity Club (8yrs-13yrs)  Girls and boys  – Thursdays, 5pm – 7pm – Copthorne Primary School, starts Thursday 18th September. £1

Activity Club (7yrs-12yrs)  Girls and boys  – Saturdays , 4pm – 6pm – Farnham Primary School shed (entrance from Farnham Playground) , starts Saturday 20th September. £1

Football Coaching – Saturdays (5yrs -8yrs 12pm to 1.15pm) (9yrs-12yrs 1.30pm – 3pm) – Speedball (Duncombe Way) – £1  This club has already started.

Asian Dress Making – Tuesdays, Beginners 9.15am to 11.30am, Advanced 12.45pm to 3pm, starts Tuesday 16th September – please call 01274 570237 for further information and venue.

Dates for your Diary

Year 6 Hawkshead Residential  Trip – Wednesday 24th to Friday 26th September 2014

McMillan Coffee Morning  – Tuesday 30th September 2014 (9-10.30am) – Please note that this is a change of date from the one previously advertised. 

Parents’ Evening – Thursday 23rd October 2014 – 3-6pm

Eid – School will be closed on 6th October for an Eid holiday

Firefighter Clothes Collection – Tuesday 4th November

Wishing you all a fabulous week ahead.

Mrs Shepherd




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Welcome back

Welcome back! I would like to wish you all a warm welcome back to Copthorne and hope that you had a lovely summer and a wonderful Eid.  It was lovely to see everybody smiling and happy to be back at school. A big thank you to all our parents, carers and families for making sure that the children arrived on time and looked so smart in their uniforms and were ready to begin learning straightaway.

New Staff       

hello%20clipartWe have welcomed several new members of staff  to Copthorne this term. We hope that they enjoy working with us and I am sure that they will continue to move Copthorne forward. The new members of staff are:

Miss Chambers – Teacher for 2R

Miss Austin – Teacher for 3 Alder

Miss McMillan -Teacher for 4 Poplar

Mr Seedat – Teacher for 4 Beech

Mrs Lawlor – ICT Technician

Miss Meyers – Schools Direct Participant

Swimming Classes

On Thursday of this week (11th September)the boys in Year 5 will be starting their swimming lessons. Learning to swim is a requirement of the National Curriculum and an essential skill that children need in order to help them stay safe around water. The lessons will take place on Thursday afternoons at Rhodesway pool. The children will travel to and from their swimming lessons in the school mini buses and will be accompanied by Copthorne staff.

Meetings For Parents

We will be holding our regular Key Stage meetings for parents over the next week.  These meetings give you the opportunity to hear about some of the things your child will be learning and to find out about the arrangements and expectations as regards work, homework and behaviour for that particular Key Stage.  We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the meetings which will take place at the following times:

Years 5 & 6                 Wednesday 10th September at 9am and 2.30pm

Years 3 & 4                 Thursday 11th September at 9am and 2.30pm 

Reception                   Thursday 11th September at 9am and 2.15pm 

Years 1 & 2                 Friday 12th September at 9am and 2.30pm


School Dinners

I am sure your child will have told you about our new lunchtime arrangements which are now in place. The children seem to be enjoying their food and are thrilled by the fact that they have a choice of delicious meals.  I would just like to remind you that the cost of school meals has now increased to £7.75 each week which should be paid every Monday. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 do not need to bring duinner money as they are all entitled to a free school dinner under the Universal Free School Meals scheme.

AppointmClipart of a Blue Open Door Icon - Royalty Free Vector Illustration by Lal Pereraents with Mrs Shepherd

As you know at Copthorne we are always delighted to chat to parents and carers to listen to your views and suggestions. If you wish to meet with me, I will be available at the following dates and times:    

Tuesday 9th September                          11am – 12pm

Monday 22nd September                       1.30pm – 3pm

Tuesday 23rd September                       9am – 10am

Tuesday 30th September                       10.30am – 12pm

Wednesday 1st October                         2pm – 3pm

Monday 6th October                               2pm – 3pm

Tuesday 14th October                             9am – 10.30am and 2pm – 3pm

Wednesday 22nd October                     10am – 12pm

Thursday 23rd October                           9am – 10am

To make an appointment, please contact the school office who will be happy to make one for you.

Dates for your Diary

Year 6 Hawkshead Residential  Trip – Wednesday 24th to Friday 26th September 2014

McMillan Coffee Morning  – Friday 26th September 2014

Parents’ Evening – Thursday 23rd October 2014 – 3-6pm

Eid – School will be closed on 6th October for an Eid holiday

Once again thank you for all your support and I look forward to the coming year which promises to be a busy and exciting one.  Have a lovely week everybody.

Mrs Shepherd








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