Daily Archives: September 12, 2014

Monday 15th September 2014

Hello everybody and welcome to another exciting week at Copthorne.  It was lovely to see the children settle so quickly and sensibly into their new classes last week. They are all eager to learn and are enjoying their time with their new teachers. It has been a delight to welcome our new pupils in Reception and Nursery. We know that they are going to be happy here at Copthorne.

Key Stage Meetings for Parents

I would like to thank all our Parents and Carers who attended the Key Stage meetings last week during which they had the opportunity to find out about what our children will be learning throughout this school year and the expectations and arrangments as regards work, homework and behaviour.  This was a great success and it is always a pleasure to see you at these events.

This week at Copthorne:-

Roald Dahl Day

Throughout this year, children in Year 3 will be reading the fascinating and wonderful novels written by Roald Dahl. On Monday 15th September, Year 3 will be celebrating 50 wonderful years of Roald Dahl’s famous story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  They will take part in a live stream across the globe from the Theatre Royal Drury Lane in London, where the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory musical is staged!  Children from across the world can send in questions about Roald Dahl which will be answered by the author of Fantastic Mr Dahl and the former Children’s laureate, Michael Rosen.  There will be many wondrous treats and surprises in store for the children and this promises to be very exciting and entertaining afternoon.  I am looking forward to hearing all about it!!


Drama Club

As part of the range of extra-curricular activities organised by Exceed, we will be running a Drama Club starting on Thursday 18th September for Years 5 and 6 from 3-5pm.  The Drama Club children will have the opportunity to work alongside children from the other Exceed Schools at Grange Technology College and put together a Pantomime which will be performed in front of families in December. A letter has already been sent out to children last week and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Our school ran this club last year and the children that took part were amazing and had such talent  – I am sure we will be seeing them on our screens or on the stage at some point in the future!


Exceed Activity Clubs

Exceed are running a number of different clubs this year, most of these clubs are open access and children can come in anytime between the 2 hours stated.  The Activity Clubs include lots of fun activities such as Sports, Arts, Xbox, Wii, Pool and much more.  So that the adults are not feeling left out,  there be will an asian dress-making class which will begin on Tuesday 16th September –  for further details please call 01274 570237.

Please see below for a list of activites, times and venues:-

Girls Club  (8yrs-11yrs)   – Saturdays, 11am to 12.45pm – Princeville Children’s Centre, starts Saturday 13th September. £1

Activity Club (8yrs-13yrs)  Girls and boys  – Thursdays, 5pm – 7pm – Copthorne Primary School, starts Thursday 18th September. £1

Activity Club (7yrs-12yrs)  Girls and boys  – Saturdays , 4pm – 6pm – Farnham Primary School shed (entrance from Farnham Playground) , starts Saturday 20th September. £1

Football Coaching – Saturdays (5yrs -8yrs 12pm to 1.15pm) (9yrs-12yrs 1.30pm – 3pm) – Speedball (Duncombe Way) – £1  This club has already started.

Asian Dress Making – Tuesdays, Beginners 9.15am to 11.30am, Advanced 12.45pm to 3pm, starts Tuesday 16th September – please call 01274 570237 for further information and venue.

Dates for your Diary

Year 6 Hawkshead Residential  Trip – Wednesday 24th to Friday 26th September 2014

McMillan Coffee Morning  – Tuesday 30th September 2014 (9-10.30am) – Please note that this is a change of date from the one previously advertised. 

Parents’ Evening – Thursday 23rd October 2014 – 3-6pm

Eid – School will be closed on 6th October for an Eid holiday

Firefighter Clothes Collection – Tuesday 4th November

Wishing you all a fabulous week ahead.

Mrs Shepherd




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