Daily Archives: September 22, 2014

English – Aaarrgghh Spider!

This week we are reading the story ‘Aaarrgghh spider!’ The story is about a lonely spider that just wants to be a family pet. This week we will be learning the story through role play and sequencing because on Thursday we will be writing our own version of the story. Ask your child to tell you the story as they have especially enjoyed shouting Aaarrgghh spider!

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The Netherlands

Our Copthorne Curriculum topic for this half term is ‘Through the Keyhole’, we will be looking at houses and homes in our local area and comparing them with those in The Netherlands. As our focus country is ‘The Netherlands’ we will also be carrying out a range of activities to do with this such as artwork which imitates the style of Vincent van Gough. Do you know any facts about The Netherlands?

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Let’s Go, Flamenco!

Year 2 had an amazing time on Thursday learning to dance the Flamenco with Patricia Skeet from Hebden Bridge Flamenco as part of their Copthorne Curriculum theme all about Spain, Let’s Go, Flamenco!

What was your favourite part of the Flamenco?

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A Turkish Delight!

In Year 4 we have been finding out all about the Republic of Turkey. You have all found out some fantastic facts to answer your ‘I wonder’ questions. We are going to be creating a tourist leaflet to convince people to visit Turkey. Can you share an interesting fact about Turkey, that would encourage people to visit?


File:Pamukkale 20.jpg

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Persuasive writing

 In Year 6, we have been learning about persuasive writing to help us create a persuasive holiday brochure.

Hand Writing by bitterjug - Hand-drawn hand writing blue wiggly lines in blue pencil

Can you write a persuasive writing feature and give an example?

For example: Alliteration – Silky, smooth sand.

the sandy beach by belier - the sandy beach

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The Poland Express!

In Year 3 we’ve had a fantastic time finding out about life in Poland.  We’re busy creating holiday brochures. Can you share a really interesting fact that could persuade somebody to go on holiday to Poland?


Posted in Year 3 Homework | 2 Comments