Daily Archives: September 19, 2014

Monday 22nd September 2014

Hello everybody and welcome to another week at Copthorne.  I hope you had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to the week ahead. As you can see we have lots of activites this week and it is lovely to see the school so busy.



As part of their Creative Curriculum and Comenius theme:Let’s Go Flamenco’, Year 2 received a visit from Patricia Skeet from Hebden Bridge Flamenco Dancers last Thursday.   The children enjoyed a lovely day learning all about the Spanish culture. They learnt rhythmic clapping (palmas), dance movements and performed a short dance.  They had an insight into Flamenco’s fascinating cultural background and learnt a few basic spanish words.  At the end of the day, Patricia said what a wonderful school we had and that the staff and children were a delight to work with.  Well done to all Year 2 children and staff for being fantastic ambassadors for our school. I look forward to hearing all about what you have learnt.

Fantastic Art

Two of our lovely Year 2 children came to show me their marvellous art work today. They have designed and produced pictures inspired by Picasso using a mixture of collage and drawing skills. I am sure that you too will enjoy them. The work shows real flair, attention to detail and reflects great observational skills. Well done Sareesa and Aqib. I look forward to seeing what the rest of Year 2 creates after such inspiration.



Curriculum Afternoon Tea

On the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd September, I will be having “afternoon tea” with some of our children to look at what they have been learning about in History. This is the first of our afternoon teas which will give me the opportunity to chat to the children and find out about the depth of their understanding of various aspects of the curriculum. I am so looking forward to this first meeting and the sharing the children’s learning.

This week at Copthorne

Keeping year 6 Safe

This week and next week our Year 6 children will be visiting the Bradford Bulls Stadium to take part in the Stay Safe Project. The children will meet with members of the emergency services, road safety and water safety teams to learn how to be safe in different environments. The visits will take place as part of a normal school day and I am sure that, as usual, our children will be a credit to Copthorne.


Residential Trip to Hawkshead

From Wednesday 24th to Friday 26th September, 41 of our year 6 pupils will be taking part in the residential visit to Hawkshead in the Lake District.  The children will be accompanied by Mr Darr, Miss Wood, Miss Nelson, Mrs Robinson, Mr H Khan, Mr Lloyd, Miss Parveen and, for the first day, me.

This trip is very important in helping our children work together as a team and in giving them the opportunity to stay away from home for the first time in a safe but new environment. During their stay the children will be carrying out work to extend their learning in a number of curriculum areas including Geography, History and Art.  They will be taking part in activities such as horse riding, archery and will be going on a ferry cruise to visit an aquarium. We wish all the pupils and staff an enjoyable trip and I look forward to hearing all about their adventures on their return.


Reception Learning Workshop

On Friday 26th September 1R and 2R will be holding a learning workshop in the classrooms for parents and carers starting at 8:40am. During the workshop the teachers will be modelling a maths and literacy lesson illustrating how children learn maths and literacy skills using the provision. Parents will also have the opportunity to  watch adult led literacy and maths carpet sessions. This will provide you with ideas for and ways of supporting your child with their maths and literacy at home.  Refreshments will be provided in the hall after the session when you will have an opportunity to ask any questions.  We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this informative event.

Dates for your Diary

World’s Biggest Coffee Morning!

On Tuesday 30th September, we will be holding a coffee money to raise funds for the charity McMillan Cancer.  (Please note that this is a change of date from the one previously advertised.)  The event will take place from 9:00-10.30am in the school hall and we will be selling coffee and cakes to raise money for this wonderful charity. The money we raise at the coffee morning will help go towards vital funds to make sure families are supported  through treatment and beyond at one of the most distressing times of their lives. If any of you enjoy baking and would like to bake cakes, biscuits or savoury products which we can sell during the coffee morning that would be greatly appreciated It would be lovely to see as many of you as possible at this event.

If you do intend to do some baking for this worthy cause then please bring your baking to school for 8.45 that morning.

Dates for your diary

Parents’ Evening: Thursday 23rd October 2014, 3-6pm

Eid: School will be closed on 6th October for an Eid holiday

Firefighter Clothes Collection – Tuesday 4th November

As you can see we have another busy week to look forward to. Thank you for your continued support. It is always a pleasure to come to work here at Copthorne and to work with such wonderful children and their families.

Mrs Shepherd





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