Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to our blog. Our Christmas celebrations, followed by the school holidays will soon be upon us. Please see below the arrangements for the rest of this half term.
Closure of rear gate/playground
Unfortunately, as you are aware, there is a growing build-up of mud leading into the back playground from the Alexandra Street entrance. This is due to the constant movement of construction traffic combined with the effects of on-going poor weather conditions. In spite of the construction staff’s best efforts, it is proving very difficult to keep the levels of mud under control.
In response to your concerns, therefore, we have made the decision to keep the gate on Alexandra St permanently locked from tomorrow, Friday 4th December. Families living at the back of school will still be able to access school through the MUGA pitch and the rear gate.
We hope that this will drastically reduce the issues caused by mud and thank you, once again, for your continued support. I would also like to request that, if you have any concerns related to the building work, you contact the school office rather than the construction site staff. We will ensure that your concerns are passed on through the correct channels.
Early Essence Workshop
On Wednesday 9th December, we will be holding two Early Essence workshops for Nursery parents between 9-10am and 12pm-1pm. Early Essence is the tool we use to create your child’s personal learning journey. At the workshop you will be given your own personal login for Early Essence, a booklet to help you use it at home and be shown how to access and use the site.
This is a very special and important time for you and your child as they start their education. By using your login to access your child’s ‘Learning Journey’, you will be able to see how they are learning at school. You can add to the ‘Learning Journey’ by uploading photographs and comments to tell us the lovely things you have done at home to help their development.
Christmas Events at Copthorne
During the week commencing Monday 14th December, the following events will be taking place in school for our children.
Monday 14th December: Magical Monday: Wear a crown or tiara like one of the 3 kings. All children will watch a pantomime ‘Beauty and the Beast’.
Tuesday 15th December: Tinsel Tuesday: Wear something sparkly e.g. a piece of tinsel.
Wednesday 16th December: Wrapping Paper Wednesday: Wear a paper hat made from wrapping paper. Children will be having their Christmas lunch today. If your child does not usually have a school lunch but would like a Christmas dinner then please order this through the school office by Friday 11th December. Thank you.
Thursday 17th December: Trimmings Thursday: Decorate yourself with a Christmas bauble or tree decoration. Please avoid those baubles which may shatter!
The school Nativity plays will take place today at 9.15am and 2pm. This year our Nursery Children will be leading this production. Parents, carers and family members are invited to come along to watch what I am sure will be a lovely performance.
Friday 18th December: Festive Friday: This will be a non-uniform day. Wear your party clothes or a Christmas jumper for our Christmas celebrations.
Wishing you a wonderful week.
Mrs Shepherd