Hello and a very warm welcome to you all. Please see below for events that are happening in school this week.
Two year old nursery building
Thank you to all the parents and carers for your co-operation last week whilst the steel girders for our new nursery building were being delivered. Unfortunately, due to bad weather conditions the girders could not be delivered on Monday so we had no choice but to close the back playground last Wednesday. Once again thank you for your understanding and continuing support.
Children in Need
I would like to say a big thank you to all the children and parents for making a really big effort last Friday for Children in Need. This is a wonderful charity which helps lots of unfortunate children in our Country. Once we know the total amount raised I will let you know.
This week at Copthorne
Year 3 Residential: Bewerley Park
Today, 15 of our Year 3 pupils will be taking part in a residential trip along with other children from the Exceed group. The children will be staying at Bewerley Park in North Yorkshire until Wednesday and will be accompanied by Mrs Robinson and Miss Austin. The other schools involved in this trip will be Horton Grange, Farnham and Princeville Primary School. This residential is a wonderful opportunity for our children to stay away from home for a short time with their classmates and to experience a fantastic range of activities. From past visits, we have found that the children have an amazing time and develop so much confidence and independence by taking part. I hope they have a fantastic learning experience and have lots of fun!
Exceed Football League Game
Our Football team along with Mr A Khan will travel to Grange Technology on Thursday to play against Farnham Primary School in an Exceed Football league game. Good luck Copthorne, the whole school wishes you well.
Anti-Bullying Week
This week is Anti-Bullying week and we have loads of activities planned for the children which will promote the anti-bullying message. These include:
. a ‘Make a Noise about Bullying’ graffiti wall in the hall, where children will be able to write their anti-bullying messages and show their commitment to stamping out all forms of bullying
. a special assembly, exploring what bullying is and how to tackle it effectively
. an anti-bullying film-making competition for each class
. ‘Bullying Concerns’ clinics held at lunchtimes by Befrienders from Years 5 and 6
. A ‘You are Wonderful…’ wall where children can post generic, positive messages to all children in out school
I this will be a wonderful week and we look forward to working together to stamp out bullying.
Thank you for visiting our blog, please come back next week!
Mrs Shepherd