Monthly Archives: August 2014

A fabulous year.

Hello everybody and welcome to our last blog of this school year.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for continuing dedication to Copthorne.  We have had an extremely busy few weeks and I would like to thank all our wonderful families and staff for their support in attending the events we have organised.

Cancellation of Year 5 Parents Meeting

Please note that the meeting that had been arranged for Year 5 parents and carers on Monday 21st July at 9am has had to be postponed until September. The purpose of the meeting will be to give guidance to parents and carers on how to complete application forms for secondary schools.  We will notify families of the new date in due course.


Open Evening and Enterprise Fayre

Last Thursday in school we held our annual open evening for parents and carers.  I would like to thank everyone who attended this successful event and took the opportunity to look at our children’s super work as well as meeting their new class teachers.  It was lovely to see the school so full and busy.  During the open evening we also held our Enterprise Fayre. The children have been working really hard to set up their own class business and put their maths skills to such a practical use. It was fantasic to see their wonderful ideas. I am so proud of how imaginative the children are and would like to thank the staff for helping them plan such a wonderful event.



Last week at Copthorne we held our Personal, Social and Health Education Week.  The week proved to be a fantastic experience for both children and staff.  It was lovely to see all the children smiling and enjoying themselves as they came in and out of school from their various activities.  All the children took part in a cooking competition, where the children in every class produced a healthy meal and a smoothie.   Mrs Whalley and myself have thoroughly enjoyed the food that was presented to us last week and I think it is going to be very difficult to choose a winner!  I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who contributed to the week in any way and especially Mrs Shah and Mr Darr for making this week such a well organised and thoroughly engaging one. Having spoken to the children it is clear that they have learnt a lot about how to cooperate with and care for one another as well as how to keep healthy.


School Meals 

As you may already be aware, school meals will now be provided through our own catering company: Forward Catering (Yorkshire) Ltd, (jointly owned by Copthorne, Horton Grange and Farnham Primary schools) .  As part of this development and in order to provide meals of the highest quality for our children, the cost of school meals will increase from the start of the new term by 5p which means the new price for school meals each day will be £1.55 or £7.75 per week.  We are confident that our children will love our new menu and the school meals.

This week at Copthorne:-

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

The Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly will take place on Tuesday 22nd July at 9.15 am and 2 pm. Parents, carers and family members are encouraged to attend and see our Year 6 in their final production at Copthorne. The event is always very entertaining but also very poignant as we say goodbye to our amazing children and share with them some of their  Copthorne journey. I hope to see as many of you there as possible. 

This year, as usual, all our children have worked hard to make outstanding progress and we are so proud of every one of them. I would like to say a special congratulations to our Year 6 pupils who have been so determined to achieve the best possible standards in their work. I know that you will remember all the things you learnt at Copthorne and that we are sending you on the next stage of your learning journey as wonderful young people ready to grasp all the opportunities that life has to offer. I know that you will continue to make us all very proud.

Finally I would like to wish you all a wonderful summer holiday and special Eid.  I hope the sun keeps shining for everyone and I look forward to seeing you all ready for the start of an exciting new year at the usual time on September 2nd 2014.

Mrs Shepherd







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