Author Archives: Miss S Wood

Persuasive writing

 In Year 6, we have been learning about persuasive writing to help us create a persuasive holiday brochure.

Hand Writing by bitterjug - Hand-drawn hand writing blue wiggly lines in blue pencil

Can you write a persuasive writing feature and give an example?

For example: Alliteration – Silky, smooth sand.

the sandy beach by belier - the sandy beach

Posted in Year 6 2014-2015 | Leave a comment

The Balaclava Story – Homework

Literacy homework – The Balaclava Story

This is a shortened version of the beginning of ‘The Balaclava Story’ by George Layton.

There was once a boy called George, who more than anything wanted a balaclava. If only he had one, then he could join the ‘Balaclava Boys’. But his mum refused to buy him one.

Whenever he was with his friends, they wouldn’t play with him. “You’re not a Balaclava Boy!” they taunted. “If you haven’t got one, you can’t join in.” He felt he was losing all his friends.

Later, George came out of class to wash his hands and found a balaclava on the floor, it was Norbert’s. Without thinking, he picked it up and tried to fit it in his pocket. It was too big, so he stuffed it down the sleeve of his coat. At that moment, he realised that what he had done was wrong!


  1. What dilemma is George facing?
  2. What do you think was going through George’s mind when he stole the balaclava?
  3. What do you think will happen next in the story? (Can he solve his problem?)

Can you leave a comment with your answers to the three questions?


Posted in Year 4 Homework | 16 Comments

Year 4 Habitats

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