Monthly Archives: November 2014

Monday 10th November. Children in Need Week

Welcome everybody to a new week, I hope you all have had a lovely weekend and managed to stay warm and dry away from Saturday’s rain.

Firefighters’ Charity Collection

Thank you to everybody who brought in unwanted bags of clothing for the Firefighters’ charity collection.  The response, as always, was fantastic.  Once we have been advised of the amount that was raised I will let you know.


Congratulations Miss Wood!

I am delighted to inform you that one of our Year 6 Teachers, Miss Wood, has had some fantastic news this week.  She has been studying part-time for her Masters degree at Manchester Metropolitan University and this week she received the news that she had not only passed her degree but she was also awarded a merit.  Miss Wood has worked extremely hard as well as being a very committed teacher and thoroughly deserves this recognition.  Well done Miss Wood, Copthorne is very proud of you.

My School CD

Last week in school we had our very own professional mobile recording studio.  Each class recorded  the songs that they had been learning and practising in their music lessons. The children had a fantastic experience and I would like to thank them for their enthusiasm and for making the CD such a success.  You will have received a letter last week with information on how to buy the CD at a cost of £7.99.   These CD’s will be sold on a first come, first served basis so make sure you order your copy to avoid disappointment.  Whilst the CD is a great memento for the children, we are sure you will enjoy it too. It will also make a great present for loved ones. 

This week at Copthorne

Year 1 – Creative Curriculum Assembly

On Thursday 13th November Year One will be holding an Assembly on their Creative Curriculum topic “The Netherlands”. The children have been researching how the Netherlands compares to our local area.  I do hope as many parents and carers as possible will be able to attend for you to see how hard the children have been working and how much they have learnt about one of the countries from our Comenius project. The assemblies will be held at 9.15am and 2.15pm.  If you are attending I would kindly ask that you arrive promptly so as not to disturb the children after they have begun the assembly.  Thank you for your cooperation and I look forward to seeing you.

Children in Need 2014

On Friday 14th November  we will be supporting ‘Children in Need’ throughout school. Children in Need is a charity that provides funding, support and resources for children around the world who are living in poverty. We know that you will support us in trying to raise as much money as we can for this worthwhile charity.  This year the theme is “Superheroes” so children can come to school in non-uniform and wear something relating to this theme if possible.  We suggest a minimum donation of £1 per child but anything you donate will be gratefully received. 

During the day we will be holding ‘The Best Assembly Ever’ which has been organised and will be run by members of our School Council. The event promises to be lots of fun whilst raising awareness of this worthwhile cause. I am delighted to tell you that we have won a Children in Need Surprise Box for our proposed assembly. The box includes lots of goodies to help us raise money so it promises to be a great event.

We will also be holding a cake decorating competition. Children can decorate a large cake or small buns with anything relating to the superhero theme and bring them in on Friday morning.  These will be judged by myself and the best decorated cakes from each year group will win a prize.  The cakes will then be available to buy in a bun sale at break time to raise money for Children in Need.

There will also be a Children in Need shop with pens, pencils and wristbands to buy so children can bring some extra money to buy these. Items range from 50p to £2.00.

Thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to seeing everyone in non-uniform.

I hope you all have a super week

Mrs Shepherd





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Welcome back to School!

Hello everyone and welcome back to School.  I hope you all have had a fantastic break and are ready to begin a new half term.  We have lots of exciting things happening in school during the next few weeks which will be full of lots of interesting learning and activities.


Exceed Football Competition

Before the holidays our Year 5 and 6 football team took part in an Exceed football match against Lidget Green Primary School.  I am delighted to tell you that they drew 4-4.  Mr Khan tells me that the team tried really hard and were a real credit to the school. Well done!

This week at Copthorne

Fire fighters’ Charity Collection

On Tuesday 4th November, we will be carrying out a collection of unwanted or used clothes, shoes, belts and handbags in order to raise money for the Fire Fighters’ Charity and the school fund.  Later this week you will be receiving a letter and a collection bag which is to be filled with the items listed above – please feel free to fill as many additional bags as you can (bin bags can be used). We would be grateful if you could also ask other members of your family and our community to fill bags for us. Please ensure that only items on the list are included: no bric-a-brac, household items or toys please. The bags should be brought into school by 9:00am on Tuesday 4th November 2014. We value your help in raising funds which will allow us to provide even more stimulating experiences for Copthorne’s children whilst supporting the fire fighters who provide such a valuable service to us all.

The Mystery of the Cottingley Fairies

On Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th November, Year 3 will be visting the Media Museum to hear all about the Mystery of the Cottingley Fairies.  The children will hear the famous story of how two young girls from Cottingley in Bradford baffled the world with their fairy photographs. They will then view the original cameras used by the girls. The children will also be listening to and discussing a wide range of poems and stories.


Exceed Art Exhibition

Last academic year at school we ran a club through Exceed where children with different backgrounds and culture created a piece of art to represent and celebrate diversity and culture.  On Wednesday 5th November, these children and their families along with Mr A Khan will visit Bradford University to see their finished work. It will be a very proud moment for everyone involved. I hope everyone enjoys the finished work!

Have a lovely week everyone

Mrs Shepherd


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