Daily Archives: June 23, 2014

Monday 23rd June 2014

Hello to all our visitors and thank you for looking at our blog.   I hope you all have had a restful weekend and are ready to begin a new and busy one.

Aspiration Week

Last week’s Aspiration Week was an overwhelming success. We are all so proud of the children who ‘took over’ the school for the day. Each one of them took their roles and responsibilities so seriously and worked really hard. I spent a large proportion of the day with Isa who took on my role as Head of School. He observed lessons, carried out a Learning Walk of the school environment, gave feedback to staff, directed our PA: Mrs Rice and met a representative from a learning resource supplier to review new products and help decide which ones would be of benefit to our children and which we could afford from the budget. All the children who took part  in the day were an absolute credit to our school and we are looking forward to hearing their views about the experience.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff who shared their jobs for the day and, especially,  to all the visitors who came in to school during the week to teach us about the jobs they do. The children were truly inspired and each visitor remarked on how interested, enthusiastic and well behaved our children were. Thank you, everyone!

A special thanks must go to Miss Kneeshaw and our School Council for organising such a super event. I know that between them they reviewed hundreds of job applications and carried out hours of interviews. It was well worth all their time and effort. Thank you.

Copthorne this week

Exceed Sports Event

Our group of Exceed schools will be holding a sports event which will be held on Monday 23rd June.  Eighteen children from Years 3 to 6 will be taking part in a sports day which will be held at Bradford Park Avenue.  The children will compete in activities such as javelin, long jump, shotputting, hurdles and sprinting.  I know that the children will be wonderful ambassadors for Copthorne and will have an enjoyable day meeting the other children from our LAP.


Copthorne’s Got Talent – Final

On Tuesday 24th June at 10am, we will be holding our annual Copthorne’s Got Talent Final.  The talent this year, as always, has been spectacular and I am extremely proud of all our children who have taken part this year.  If any parents/family members would like to come to watch the event we would be delighted to welcome you into school. If you are attending, please ensure that you arrive in school by 9.50 am.

The winners of the competition will then go on to take part in a grand final against our other LAP schools on Friday 27th June. I would like to wish all our finalists the very best of luck. Go Copthorne!


City Park – “Mad Day 2”

The Music & Arts Service and the PE & School Sport Service have joined together to create a unique extravaganza for schools to celebrate the 2014 Grand Depart through song, dance, music making, cycling and environmentally friendly power generation. I am pleased to announce that  on Thursday 26th June, our school, along with 4 other schools across the Bradford district have been chosen to take part in this extravaganza.  The children have spent the last couple of weeks practicing a ‘zumba’ dance with their teachers which they will perform on the day.  The children and staff are very excited and I look forward to hearing all about the activites they will be taking part in.

I hope you have a wonderful week

Mrs Shepherd


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