Daily Archives: June 1, 2014

Monday 2nd June 2014

Hello everyone. We are looking forward to welcoming you back to school tomorrow (Tuesday 3rd June). I hope you have all had a fantastic half term break and are ready for an exciting final half term which will be full of lots of interesting learning and activities.

Comenius ‘Once Upon a Time’ in Rhodes. 

This week myself and 3 other members of staff: Mrs Whalley, Miss Armitstead and Mr A Khan are very fortunate to be joining the other members of the Comenius project on the Greek island of Rhodes.  We are very much looking forward to meeting the representatives from the other 9 countries in the project once again. We now consider them our dear friends. Whilst we are in Rhodes we will be learning about Greek culture and visiting the in primary school that we are partnered with.We will also be sharing the film of our children singing the Romanian folk tale and planning the next piece of work that our children will do as part of our ‘Once Upon a Time’ project. In addition we will plan our  visits to the remaining 5 countries (Romania, Lithuania, Spain, Netherlands and Cyprus) and decide which of these will involve our children. As you will know, the children from Copthorne who recently travelled to Turkey as part of the project, had the most fabulous time and we want to gove other children the opportunity to have such an experience.We are all very excited about the visit and  I look forward to sharing our adventure with you on our return.

Where possible we will add daily updated of our exreiences to this blog.

This week at Copthorne

Nursery Farm Trip

Our morning nursery children will visit St Leonards Farm on Wednesday 4th June and the afternoon children will visit the farm on Friday 6th June.  The children will visit the farm to support the current unit of work being carried out in nursery which is all about the farm, animals and growing.  The children will be able to look at all the different animals and also have a chance to play in the playbarn.  Please note nursery will be closed on both days for the children who are not going on that day’s visit.  I hope the children have a lovely day and that the weather stays dry for them. I look forward to seeing the photos and hearing the children talk about their lovely day.

Fossil and Dinosaur Workshop

On Thursday 5th June, Year 4 will be attending a fossil and dinosaur workshop in school. They will be learning how to to tell the difference between real fossils that are millions of years old and highly convincing replicas.  The children will also take part in an actual ‘dinosaur dig’ and gain lots of knowledge about these majestic prehistoric beast.  I am sure the children will have a very exciting day and I look forward to reading about it on the Year 4 blog.

Headingley Cricket Visit

We are pleased to be taking a group of thirty Year 6 children to a cricket education day at Headingley Cricket Ground in Leeds on Friday 6th June.  The children, along with Mr Darr,  will be involved in a range of cricket-based workshops, a tour of the stadium as well as an opportunity to play Kwik cricket on the Headingley outfield.  The children will also get the chance to design a poster related to the Sri Lanka and India test matches at Headingley this summer.  The winner of the competition will have their poster enlarged and displayed during an international match in June.  This is an amazing opportunity for the children to learn about sportsmanship, team work and perseverence and I know they will have a fantastic day.

Forest Schools

Our Year 4 children will be continuing with their Forest School activities on Friday at St Ives in Bingley.  After speaking with the children they are really excited about the activities and experiments they are taking part in. Well done Year 4!

I would just like to remind you all to take a look at our other sections in the blog and would be grateful for any comments you may have.

I hope you have a lovely week

Mrs Shepherd



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