Daily Archives: June 8, 2014

Monday 9th June 2014

Hello everyone and I hope you have had a lovely weekend.  Mrs Whalley, Miss Armitstead, Mr A Khan and I have just returned from an amazing time in Rhodes with our other Comenuis colleagues. I am looking forward to seeing our children and staff today to tell them all about our wonderful experience.  We have a very busy week ahead with lots of classes going on trips – I hope we have brought the sunny weather back from Rhodes with us so that everyone stays nice and dry on their visits.

‘Once Upon a Time’ in Rhodes. 

Well, what a fantastic week it was. After arriving late on Monday evening and meeting up with all of our colleagues from the other 9 schools in the project, our first official activity was to visit the Greek school – Dimotiko Scholeio Pastidas – and meet the children. We received an heart warming welcome, with the children waving flags from each of the countries involved in the project and chanting ‘Welcome to Rhodes’ in all the languages of the project. After a great presentation by pupils of some information about each of the project countries, each team visited a classroom to teach a 45 minute lesson based on a traditional tale from their country. We were delighted to be able to teach a Grade 1 class (6 year olds) the story of Goldilocks and the 3 bears. The 4 of us presented the story as a role play whilst the class teacher – Elina – translated it into Greek for the children. We then taught the children the song ‘When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears …’ which the children loved and then sang with us. To finish off there was a question and answer session where the children asked us lots of questions about Copthorne. It was a pleasure to work with such keen and happy children who have clearly spent a lot of time learning about the UK.

Our Comenius planning meeting took place on the same day after a beautiful lunch at the school. The meeting allowed us to share the work we have done so far and to decide on the dates for the next visits which include a joint Netherlands and UK visit during the week beginning 8th December. So, we are really looking forward to hosting our visitors and showing them as much as possible about our amazing school and Yorkshire.

The remainder of the week was spent on cultural visits to deepen and strengthen our understanding of Greek history, way of life and the education system, during which we were guided and accompanied by school staff. A Comenius festival took place on Wednesday evening at the school and was a credit to the hard work of the staff and children. After the performance we were also able to meet the children’s parents and hear about how valuable they believe this project to be both to their children’s learning but also to their own cross-cultural understanding and knowledge.

Before leaving, each team was resented with beautiful gifts from Rhodes and, for the school, a book showing photographs of Rhodes taken by a famous Rhodean photographer. The pictures are stunning and show many of the places we were fortunate to visit during the week. It will be a valued addition to our library.

On behalf of the four of us and the whole of Copthorne, I would like to say a great big thank you to Vicky, the Head Teacher, and the whole of the Rhodes team for giving us a week that we will treasure in our memories for always and which has taught us so much about each other and our schools. We look forward to seeing you all again in the future.

Thank you also to Miss Armitstead, Mr Khan and Mrs Whalley with whom it was a pleasure to spend the week and who were wonderful ambassadors for Copthorne and the UK.

The next Comeniu visit takes place in Lithunia in September

This week at Copthorne

Internet Safety for Parents

On Monday 9th June at 2.30pm there will be an E-Safety meeting at school for parents to attend.  The meeting will explain issues relating to the use of the internet at home and school.  It will also make parents aware of the dangers of being unaware of what children are looking at when they use the computer at home and the precautions that can be taken to ensure that children are safe when they are online.  The meeting will address concerns that we as parents have for our children’s use of the internet and ensure that our children are able to use the internet safely.  I hope that as many parents and carers will be attend this very important meeting.

Year 3 in the woods

As part of their Creative Curriculum theme: Habitats, 3 Larch will  be visiting Nell Bank on Monday 9th June.  The children will be looking at how plants and animals are suited to and adapt to their environment. They will also study mini-beasts and take part in an orienteering  activity.  3 Alder will be visiting Nell Bank on Friday 13th June.  I am sure the children will have a fantastic learning experience and lots of fun.

Linking Schools

4 Poplar will be joining their Linking School partners at All Saints Primary school in Ilkley on Tuesday 10th June.  The children from All Saints have already visited Copthorne and the children from both schools also enjoyed an exciting day together at Nell Bank in Ilkley.  I am sure the trip will be a great success and know that the children are very excited about meeting their friends again! 

As an extra treat, our children have been fortunate to be one of the classees chosen to attend an extra event: Routes to Peace, which is taking place across Bradford this month.  During the visit, the children will meet their linking partners again for a picnic and carry out a range of activities led by members of the Peace Museum in City Hall alongside a singing group.  Well done 4 Poplar for being such great ambassadors for our school.

Diversity in the Woods

On Tuesday 10th June our New to English children will be visiting St Ives Wood in Bingley. They will be joining other children from the other schools in the Exceed Alliance  to develop the children’s use of language.  The children will have lots of fun team building with the other children.  This will be a great opportunity for the children to meet other pupils and will help greatly with their confidence.  Have fun everyone!

Library Visit




As part of Bradford Libraries commitment to supporting the literacy needs and development of children within the Bradford district, they are operating a children’s library ticket amnesty.  This will mean that children who have any outstanding fines or lost items on their library ticket will have their ticket cleared and their borrowing rights restored.  We have arranged for children in KS2 to visit the library over the next few weeks.   The joining form, which was sent out last week with the children, should have been sent back to school by today in order for us to send them off to the library so that the tickets can be ready for the children when they visit the library. Year 3 visited the library last week and Year 5 will go on Wednesday 11th June.  I am sure you will agree that this is a great opportunity for children to return to using the library and have access to thousands of wonderful books.

Year 4 Egyptian Day

As part of Year 4’s Creative Curriculum topic centred around Eygpt, they will be having an ‘Egyptian Day’ in school on Thursday 12th June.  The children will be learning all about the various Egyptian Gods and looking at what mummification is and the meaning of this. The children have already performed an Egyptian assembly in school which was very interesting and factual and was an absolute delight to watch.  Keep up the good work Year 4 and we look forward to learning lots more from you!

Meeting of Minds

On Thursday 12th June School Council members from our school will be joining other members from the Exceed schools at Farnham Primary School.  They will have a tour around the school and, after having lunch together, they will  exchange ideas about how they can improve their schools and discuss projects that have already taken place. I am sure that, as usual, the children will come back with lots of ideas to keep making Copthorne even better.

We do like to be beside the seaside 

Our Reception classes are very excited to be visiting the seaside town of Scarborough on Friday 13th June The visit is part of their Creative Curriculum theme: Journeys and Holidays. Whilst there, the children will have the opportunity to enjoy the seaside and Peasholm Park.  Once back at school the children will talk about why Scarborough is such a good place for a holiday and this will support the children’s writing. I am sure the children will have a fantastic day by the seaside and we hope the sun shines down on them.

Have a lovely week everyone.

Mrs Shepherd










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