Daily Archives: May 18, 2014

Monday 19th May 2013

Hello everybody and I hope you had a fantastic weekend.  The weather has been lovely and I hope you have been able to enjoy some of the sunshine.  We have another very busy week at Copthorne and I know that all our children will continue to work really hard.

Year 6 SATs

Well done to our Year 6 students for working so hard during last week’s SATs.  The whole school is extremely proud of  you for your extremely positive attitude and 100% commitment. I know you all enjoyed your special treat of a Pizza Party on Friday afternoon. You definitely deserved it.  Once again Year 6 we are proud of you!

Thank you to all the staff for their hard work leading up to and, as invigilators, during the SATs. We would also like to say a great big thank you to all the parents/carers for ensuring that the children arrived for school in time for Breakfast Club, had a good night’s sleep each night and had 100% attendance during SATs. The whole week was a brilliant team effort.

Fire-fighters’ Charity

Thank you to everyone who brought in their unwanted clothing last week to help raise funds for the school and the Fire fighters’ Charity.  The total amount raised was £59.50 for school funds and £14.87 for the charity.  Once again thank you for your continued support.

Dates for your diary

Friends of Horton Park Competition

The closing date for the Friends of Horton Park logo competition is Friday 23rd May.  The competition is open to all our pupils. Pupils have been asked to produce a simple, clear logo for the Friends of Horton Park.  The logo should be on A4 paper and can be coloured in using coloured pencils, felt tips or wax crayons.  Pupils must put their name and class on the back and be returned by the date shown above.  I am looking forward to seeing our childrens’ creative work.

This week at Copthorne

SAT Tests for Year 2

Year 2 will continue with their SATs on Monday 19th May.  I know they have been working really hard in school in preparing for these important tests and I know that they will do their very best. Once again, I would like to ask parents/carers to make sure that the children have a good night’s sleep and arrive at school in time for breakfast at 8.15am.


KS2 Cricket Competion

Our Year 3 and 4 cricketers will be in action at Horton Church Cricket Club on Tuesday 20th May.  Mr A Khan will be accompanying them and they will be competing against other primary schools in the district.  On Thursday, Years 5 and 6 will also take part in the competition. We wish them lots of Copthorne luck!


Crime Scene Investigation Day!

Year 6 will be turning into detectives this week when they will be asked to solve a crime in school.  A crime scene will be set up in school and children will visit the scene and gather evidence.  They will have forensic training in finger print dusting and taking mug shots.  This event will help the children will their science theme after the Spring Bank half term and also give them inspirations for their future career.  6 Chestnut will be investigating on Tuesday 20th May and 6 Sycamore will have their turn on Thursday 22nd May. Who knows, we may have the future Miss Marple or Sherlock Holmes amongst our Year 6!


On Ilkley Moor Ba’Tat

On Tuesday 20th May, 3 Alder will visit to Ilkley.  Like 3 Larch last week they will be going to Ilkley as part of their creative curriculum work.  They will be comparing and contrasting Bradford and Ilkley.  Last week’s class have been telling me all about the discoveries they made and I am looking forward to hearing about this week’s activities.  Have fun 3 Alder!

City of Sanctuary Celebration

On Tuesday 20th May ten of our children will be going to Horton Grange Primary School to take part in a City of Sanctuary celebration. The event has been organised to highlight refugee week.  The event will demonstrate the plight of refugees and will be a symbolic gesture to reunite our children from Bradford and Jordan together. The children will be given a piece of canvas on which to draw a picture under the heading:What is home?  All the pieces will then be stitched together to create a massive canvas, along with some canvas pieces that have recently been brought back from Jordan that children have also designed. This will be a fantastic learning experience for our children

Exceed Football Tournament

Our football team will play their last game of the league on Wednesday 21st May against Horton Grange Primary School.  I am proud to say that Copthorne have already won the league and wish them well for their final game on this week. The team have done amazingly well all year and every game they take part in they have always given 100%. Go Copthorne!

 Year 4 Assembly

On Thursday 22nd May Year 4 will perform their assembly.  The theme for the assembly will be Egypt. There will be two performances, one at 9.15am and the other at 2.30pm.  We would like to welcome as many parents, carers and their families as possible to either of the performances but ask that you are seated by these times so as not to disrupt the performances.  I am looking forward to seeing all the childrens’ hard work and learning some interesting facts about Egypt.

Copthorne’s Got Talent!!

Our talented pupils will be performing in the semi-finals of Copthorne’s Got Talent on Friday 23rd May.  I am always amazed at the amount of talent we have in school and so proud of the abilities and skills that our children show us each year.  The performances will take place in the hall at 1.15pm for KS1 and 2pm for KS1.

Forest Schools

On Friday 23rd May 4 Poplar will continue with their Forest School Activities.   Next week I will be able to report back on last week’s experiment when the children hid their nests in the trees.  This week they will continue with team building activities with Mrs Robinson.  Have a great time Year 4!

Have a fantastic week everyone and once again good luck to Year 2!

Mrs Shepherd











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