Daily Archives: May 11, 2014

Monday 12th May 2014

Hello everyone and thank you for looking at our blog. As usual we have a very busy and important week ahead of us. Over the next couple of weeks we have very important tests for Year 2 and Year 6 and we know the children will, as always, do their very best! Come on Copthorne – You can do it!

Dates for your diary

Year 2 SAT Tests

The Year 2 SATs begin on Monday 19th May.  As mentioned in previous letters, in order to support our children in preparing for these tests, we would ask that parents encourage their children to spend at least 15 minutes on Mathletics every day and to read daily with their children.  I would also ask that timetables are practised for 1o minutes every day.  Thank you for your continued support in this matter. We know that, by working together, we can help our children to do brilliantly.

This week at Copthorne:

Year 6 SATS

Today, Monday 12th May, Year 6 will begin their SATs.  The whole school wishes them the very best of luck and we know they are capable of achieving great things.  They have worked really hard this year and wish them well this week.  Go for It Year 6!

Clothing Collection

You should have already received a collection bag to raise funds for the Fire Fighters’ Charity  on Tuesday 13th May.   Please feel free to fill as many additional bags as you can (bin bags can be used). We would be grateful if you could also ask other members of your family and our community to fill bags for us. Thank you in advance for supporting both the school  – by helping us to provide extra resources for the childrens’ learning  -and the charity which raises funds for a very worthwhile cause.


On Ilkley Moor Ba’ Tat

On Tuesday 13th May, 3 Larch will be going to Ilkley as part of their creative curriculum work.  They will be comparing how different Bradford is to Ilkley.  The children will be looking at the differences between Ilkley town centre and our city centre as well as exploring the Cow and Calf rocks which they learnt about when studying the traditional tale: Rombold the Giant.  They will also be visiting the riverside to take a look at the River Wharfe.  I am looking forward to hearing all about their discoveries and I am sure they will have a fantastic day.


Things that go ‘hoot’ in the night

We are very excited to welcome some very interesting visitors to school  on Wednesday 14th May.  As part of Year 2’s creative curriculum theme, Nocturnal Animals, the children will be able  to see and, where appropriate, interact with animals such as snakes, skunks, hedgehogs, foxes, crocodiles and an owl.  The children will have the opportunity to engage with the animals and learn facts about them and their habitats.  This promises to be a very educational and wonderful learning experience for staff and children.


Reception Five Star Awards

In Reception classes our children receive stamps for good work in their ‘counting and writing jobs’.When a child has been awarded five lots of five stars (25 stamps in total), they are presented with a prize and a sticker which parents are invited in to see them receice. I have the great pleasure of presenting these awards to a large number of children this Friday, 16th May.  Congratulations to the Reception children who have worked so hard to earn them.  I am looking forward to meeting them and their parents.

Forest Schools – 4 Poplar

On Friday 16th May 4 Poplar will continue with their Forest School activities at St Ives.  This week they will be doing a small experiment by building nests and putting  pine cones in them in place of eggs.  The nests will then be hidden in the trees and the children will check the following week to see if they are still there.  I will keep you informed as to the outcome of this exciting experiment.

I hope you have a lovely week. Go for it Year 6  – we believe in you!

Mrs Shepherd








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