Monthly Archives: April 2014

Monday 28th April 2013

Welcome back, everyone. I hope you have all had a lovely, restful holiday.  I am looking forward to seeing all the children refreshed and ready to begin a new term. It is going to be a very busy one with lots of fantastic learning experiences to look forward to.

    Year 6 and Year 2  SATs

As you will be aware, the Year 6 and Year 2 SATs tests will take place in the next few weeks. In order to support our children in preparing for these tests, we ask that all parents and carers ensure that the children are working on the activities that their teachers have sent home recently.  We thank you for your support in this matter and are sure that these activities will help your child to achieve what they are truly capable of.

Thank you to all the Year 6 parents and carers for sending their children to the extra tuition lessons during the holidays.  This proved to be a very successful few days and I know that the children, along with myself, thoroughly enjoyed the lessons.  Once again thank you for your continued support.

This week at Copthorne

Reception Trip to Pets At HomeThis week our Reception classes have an exciting treat to look forward to. The children will be visiting ‘Pets at Home’ on Forster Square Retail Park in Bradford.  The trip is part of their topic for this half term: “Pets and Parks”.  I am sure the children will have a fantastic time there and I look forward to hearing all about it from them. 1 R’s visit will take place on Tuesday 29th April and on Wednesday 30th April it will be the turn of 2R. Have a wonderful time everyone.

 Exceed Football Tournament

Our Year 5 and 6 football team will travel to Grange Technology College with Mr A Khan on Wednesday 30th April to compete against other schools in the Exceed partnership.  We wish them the very best of luck and as always, we are very proud of them for getting to this very exciting stage of the competition. I am sure that our children will be excellent ambassadors for Copthorne.

Interfaith Explorers           

We are delighted to be hosting a presentation by Interfaith Explorers this Wednesday, 30th April. The presentation will take place from 3.15 to 4.15 and staff representatives from up to 20 local schools will be attending.

Interfaith Explorers is a free online primary educational learning resource supported by UNESCO and designed to add value to RE and PSHE lessons by helping pupils respect religious and cultural diversity.  It can be used as part of planned National Curriculum work, or in response to a particular social or cultural issue that emerges in the public realm. At Copthorne we know that one of our most important roles as educators is to develop our children’s social, moral, cultural and spiritual understanding and, therefore, we are looking forward to hearing about how Interfaith Explorers will support the work that we are doing.

Forest Schools

On Friday 2nd May, 4 Poplar will continue with their Forest School activities at St Ives in Bingley.  Now that the weather is getting a little warmer the children will be able to experience different activities compared to those that are carried out in the Winter. I’m sure that the group will, as usual, have an amazing time learning about the outdoor environment and how we should care for it. 

I hope you all have a lovely week.

Mrs Shepherd







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Get ahead of the game…

Next half term Year 5 will be learning all about the Greeks! I’d like you to do some research to see what you can find out about.

In our first Creative Curriculum lesson we will be creating a KWL grid. It would be fantastic if you already knew a few things.

Here is a website to get you started:

Good luck.

Have a great holiday!

Mr Sandhu

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Year 6

Persuasive writing

In Literacy we have been focusing on writing persuasively to sell products and houses, writing pitches to persuade people to give us money and writing brochures to persuade people to go on holiday.

Year 6 Challenge.

In 100 words (only 100 words) write as persuasively as possible to persuade Miss Bray and me not to give you any homework after SATs.

Posted in Year 6 Blog 2013-2014 | 20 Comments


Hello 5 Cedar,

As you know, 5W and 6C are doing brilliantly with their Mathletics. I think that we can beat them!

My challenge to everyone is to use Mathletics as often as possible so that we can beat the other classes, but also because it will help you make progress more quickly in Numeracy.

Good luck!

Mr Sandhu

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The Highwayman

This half term, our unit in English is Poetry. We have been concentrating on the poem,  ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. In order to understand this beautiful yet complicated poem, we decided to use drama techniques to understand key moments in the poem.

Challenge: 5 Willow, you created some beautiful pieces of drama. However, could you explain what part of the poem you decided to portray? Why was this an important part of the poem?

Mr. Rizvi

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Screen Shot 2014-04-06 at 20.21.12

5 Willow, I just saw this and thought I would post it on here. I’m so proud of each and everyone of you who have contributed to our class being in the top 10 in the UK for mathletics. This is a massive achievement and you should be very proud of yourselves (I know I am).

Keep on working hard!

Mr. Rizvi

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Monday 7th April 2014

Hello everybody and welcome to a busy week at Copthorne. Our boys and girls continue to work really hard and we are extremely proud of their positive attitude. I am sure that you are looking forward to the Easter holidays during which the children will be able to have a well-earned rest and, hopefully, enjoy the sunshine.  School will close on Friday 11th April at 3pm and re-open at the usual time on Monday 28th April.

Chick Update

I am delighted to tell you that the eggs we had delivered last Monday have now hatched! We now have 9 chickens in school that we are looking after.  The children have been really excited about our visitors and have been watching the chicks in the brooder box as they eat and sleep.  We will keep the chicks until next Wednesday and then they will be taken to a small holding where they will live a lovely free-range life. We will be kept regularly updated on their progress.

Football Tournament Success

I am pleased to announce that our fantastic football team have gained a place in the Exceed cup final against Horton Grange Primary School.  They were victorious against Farnham – beating them 1-0 on Wednesday. They will now play against Horton Grange on Wednesday 25th June.  Congratulations to the team for playing superbly – the school is so proud of you all.

This week at Copthorne

Copthorne’s Got Talent

On Wednesday and Thursday the second round of  Copthorne’s Got Talent will be held.   Three acts from each year group will perform for the judges to gain a place in the semi-final.  I would like to thank all the pupils that have taken part in the competition and to the staff that have given up their lunch times to help organise the competition.

Schools Prom

On Thursday 10th April, 16 of our Key Stage 2 children will be representing Copthorne at an annual school prom to be held at St George’s Hall in Bradford.  Along with children from other primary schools in the district our children will be rehearsing throughout the day at the venue and then performing in the evening to  a large audience which includes school staff, family and friends.  The children have spent a lot of time rehearsing for this performance and they are a delight to listen to.  I hope that as many of their family and friends will be able to support them and watch this wonderful performance. I am certainly looking forward to it.If you would like more information on how to purchase tickets for the prom please contact St Georges Hall on 01274 432000.

Year 2 Easter Assembly

On Thursday 10th April, Year 2 will perform their Easter assembly.  There will be two performances, one at 9.15am and the other at 2.15pm.  We would like to welcome as many parents, carers and their families as possible to either of the performances but ask that you are seated by these times so as not to disrupt the performances.  I am looking forward to seeing the culmination of our Year 2 childrens’ hard work.

Egg Decorating Competition

This week we are holding an egg decorating competition in school.  The competition costs 50p to enter and entries need to be in school by 8.40am on Friday 11th April.  There will be a prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each year group and the winners will be announced before we break up  for the holidays on Friday afternoon. Each entry needs to be as creative as possible. In past years we have had some amazing entries. and I’m sure that this year will be no exception.  Happy decorating!

Forest Schools

The remaining half of the pupils from 4 Poplar will begin Forest Schools activities on Friday.  I know that the children will have a great time learning about the outdoor environment and how we should care for it.  Have a wonderful time everyone!

I hope you have a wonderful time with your families over the Easter period and I look forward to seeing the children back at school on the 28th April at the usual opening time. Year 6 -Remenber to keep working on Mathletics and practising the other activities your teachers have given you as well as getting some rest.

Mrs Shepherd







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