Daily Archives: April 15, 2013

Year 4 Habitats

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Posted in Science | 4 Comments

Nocturnal World


Hello 2Elm,

Can you find out information about Nocturnal animals?

where do they live?

What is their diet?

Can you think of some descriptive language to describe the appearance of the animals?

Click on the picture to find out information on nocturnal animals.

I look forward to reading your work

Miss Hussain



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Victorious Vikings…

Hi 3 Larch,

Our new topic will be the Vikings.

What do you already know about the Vikings? Where did they come from? Where did the Vikings settle? What would you like to find out about the Vikings? Click on the map below to find more information!

Posted in Year 3 Homework | 1 Comment

Vicious Vikings


Hello 3 Alder

You now know what our new topic is this term.

Can you remember which country the Vikings came from?

What would you like to know about the Vikings? Can you think of 3 questions?

I look forward to reading your questions Mrs Shah

Posted in YEAR 3 | 4 Comments

Science equipment

Which piece of science equipment have you most enjoyed using and why?

Posted in Blogs For All | 2 Comments

Welcome Back

 Welcome back everyone. I hope you’ve had a super relaxing holiday and have returned fit and ready to enjoy the next term at Copthorne. We’ve got a lot to do but together we can achieve anything!


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Year 3 Residential

Hello year 3! Are you going on the year 3 residential next week? How are you feeling about it? I am very excited I am sure we will have a fantastic time and do lots of exciting activities. What are you looking forward to? Do you have any questions about the residential?
From Miss Bradley

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Nocturnal World

Hello 2 Holly,

Our new Creative Curriculum theme is Nocturnal World. What do you think we might be learning about? What would you like to learn about our Nocturnal World?

I look forward to hearing your ideas!
Miss Armitstead

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Toy Story

Can you find any information about old and new toys? Ask your parents and grandparents about toys and games from when they were young. How did they work? What were they made of? Which old toy do you like the sound of the most?
Post replies with what you found out.
Toy story

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