Daily Archives: April 13, 2013


         If you would like to find out more about rivers you can click on the icons.

     River animals                             Rivers and Coasts                    Great river information


                       When you have looked at the sites, please send me a blog and

                                                   share your new learning.




Posted in YEAR 6 | 1 Comment


                 AMAZING MATHS WEBSITES 


                         KS1 & KS2  Games                                                Mixed age

  Click on these icons to be taken to some brilliant Maths areas. Some of these have been created by other primary schools ( Woodlands Junior School and Coxhoe Primary School) and are well worth a visit.

Let me know how you get on and which sites or games you would recommend.


The  games below will help you learn your multiplication and division facts.

They also contain a range of other games.


Posted in Numeracy | 6 Comments