Daily Archives: January 29, 2015

Monday 26th January 2015

Welcome to our blog and I hope you have had a lovely weekend.  Thank you to parents and carers for sending your children into school during the bad weather last week.  I am pleased that the weather did not affect our childrens’ learning.  It was lovely to see the children playing in the snow.

We hope that you enjoy these wonderful pictures of our nursery children learning about and enjoying the snow.


This week at Copthorne

Reception Learning Workshop

1R and 2R will be holding  a learning workshop which will held on Monday 26th January at 8.40am.  As in previous workshops the teachers will be modelling a maths and literacy lesson illustrating how children learn maths and literacy skills using the provision.  Parents will also have a chance to watch adult led literacy and maths carpet sessions.  The workshops will provide you with ideas for and ways of supporting your child with his/her maths and literacy at home.  Refreshments will be provided in the hall after the session and you will have an opportunity to ask any questions.  We look forward to seeing as many Reception parents and carers as possible.


Forest Schools

On Friday a group of our Year 4 students will be continuing to take part in the Forest Schools programme on at the St Ives Estate.  This is always a popular trip with our children who will take part in activities to build their self-esteem and confidence in an outdoor environment. All learning during the day takes place outside where the children learn woodland craft and explore the woods. Through such activities the children also develop care and responsibility for our environment. I am sure they will have a fantastic time and I look forward to hearing all about their adventures on their return to school.

I hope you have a lovely week and keep warm.

Mrs Shepherd



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Monday 19th January 2015

Hello everyone and welcome to another week at Copthorne.  So far the weather has been kind to us and we have not had too much disruption.  Please see information below regarding our severe weather procedures and remember that children need a warm, waterproof coat with them every day.


Local Authority School Development Review

Last week a Local Authority review team spent a full day in our school.  The team was made up of a lead OFSTED Inspector, a Local Authority Achievement Officer and a Head Teacher from another Bradford school. The review team scrutinised the standards of pupil achievement throughout the school, the quality of teaching, leadership and management  and the standards of pupils’ behaviour and attendance. In order to arrive at their judgements the team observed lessons, interviewed children and listened to individual children read, analysed pupil progress and attainment data and scrutinised pupils’ work and the quality of marking and feedback.

I am absolutely delighted to inform you that the team judged the school to be outstanding in all areas. They were especially impressed with the standards of our children’s work, their attitudes to learning and their love of their school. Thank you to everyone for their continuing hard work in making Copthorne the school it is and to all the parents and families for supporting our work so positively.

Severe Weather Procedures

Please find details below about the procedures for school during bad weather.

Entrance to school during severe weather.

In the event of heavy snow only one path will be cleared into school. This will be from the main gate to the main entrance/office.  Please remind all children to stick to this path as other paths around school are likely to be slippy and, therefore, dangerous. Any one using another entrance does so at their own risk.

Decision is made not to open school 

 If the school will not be opening then all parents/carers will be informed by text message by 7.30 am that morning.  Please ensure that the office staff have been informed of any changes to your mobile number(s) as soon as possible.  In addition, if school is closed this will be shown on the school website:www.copthorne.ngfl.ac.uk and on Bradford Schools Online: https://bso.bradford.gov.uk/Schools/Home.aspx from 7am.  The information will also be broadcast via radio stations: The Pulse, Radio Leeds and Sunrise Radio. If there is no information about the school available via any of these methods then school is definitely open so, if possible, please do not contact the school office.

School closure part way through the day.

Should the decision be made to close school during the school day then, once again, a text message will be sent to parents and posted on our website.  Where necessary, parents will receive a phone call to their home or work numbers. Families will be asked to collect their children as soon as possible.


Fluoride Varnishing Programme

The Fluoride Varnish Dental Team visited Foundation stage last week to recruit children to the programme.  The team met with parents to complete consent forms to apply the fluoride varnish to their childrens’ teeth.  The team will be back in school on Monday 19th January to apply the varnish. Thank you to all the parents that have cooperated with the team to help keep our children’s smiles healthy ones.


Exceed Football League Competition

On Wednesday 21st January, our football team with be taking part in a league game at Grange Technology College.  They will be playing against St Oswalds Primary School.  I know the team are eager to play again after the Christmas break and we wish them all the best.  Go Copthorne!!


Year 6 Visiting Headingley Cricket Ground


On Thursday 22nd January the children in 6 Sycamore will be attending a Cricket Education Day at Headingley Cricket Ground in Leeds.  The day will consist of a classroom session linking cricket, English and ICT as well as a tour of the Headingley Cricket Ground.  This is a fantastic opportunity for children to have a fun and educational day. I hope the children have a wonderful day.


I hope you all have a lovely week

Mrs Shepherd







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