Daily Archives: January 4, 2015

Happy New Year

Welcome back! I hope 2015 is a Happy New Year for you all!  I am looking forward to welcoming everyone back for the new term ahead.

I do hope that you all had a wonderful holiday.  Thank you so much for all the cards and presents that were given to the staff from the children. We were all very touched by your thoughtfulness and kindness.

This week at Copthorne

Forest Schools

Forest Schools will resume on Friday for Year 4.  The children will go to St Ives in Bingley to take part in Forest School activities as part of their work in class.  The weather has now turned much colder so children will need to be wrapped up warm. I am looking forward to hearing all about their adventures.

School finishing times

Lessons finish at 3pm for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children. Please be aware, therefore, that children will not be out of school until a couple of minutes after this time as, once lessons finish, children have to collect their belongings and coats etc. We look forward to your support in this matter. Thank you.

Dates for your diary

Fluoride Varnishing Programme

Children in the Bradford and Airedale district have high levels of tooth decay.  To help fight tooth decay in young children the NHS has started a special programme for 2-4 year olds.

The Fluoride Varnish Dental Team will be visiting Foundation stage on Monday 12th January to recruit children to the programme.  They are hoping to meet as many parents as possible for consent to apply the fluoride varnish to their childrens’ teeth.  The fluoride in the varnish will help to keep their teeth strong.  The team will then come back into school on Monday 19th January to apply the varnish.

I hope you all have a lovely week

Mrs Shepherd




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Happy Christmas!

Hello everybody and welcome to our final blog for 2014! This week promises to be a very exciting and fun filled week with lots of Christmas activities for staff and children.

Comenius Visit

Last week we welcomed into school our Comenius partners.  I would just like to thank all our wonderful pupils and staff for what was an amazing 2 day visit Everybody worked so hard to make the visit such a success. The presentations on Friday – including Reception’s nativity play – were particularly impressive and all of our visitors remarked on how polite and well-behaved our children were. They were also very impressed with the quality of our pupils’ work as well as the school as a whole. Well done everybody!

This week at Copthorne

Goodbye Miss Bray

This week we say goodbye to Miss Bray who will be leaving Copthorne to teach in Dubai.  Miss Bray has worked at Copthorne for 4 years and all the staff and pupils will miss her greatly.  Thank you for all your hard work at Copthorne and we hope that you will come back and visit us and tell us all about the exciting work you have been doing in Dubai.  Good luck Miss Bray!

This week we have a very exciting week planned and with lots of different activities happening each day.  Please find below a list of what will be happening:-

Monday 15th December: Magical Monday: Wear a crown or tiara like one of the 3 kings.

Tuesday 16th December: Tinsel Tuesday: Wear something sparkly e.g. a piece of tinsel.

Wednesday 17th December: Wrapping Paper Wednesday: Wear a paper hat made from wrapping paper.

Thursday 18th December: Trimmings Thursday: Decorate yourself with a Christmas bauble or tree decoration.  Please avoid those baubles which may shatter! Our Christmas meal will be held today.

Friday 19th December: Festive Friday: Wear your party clothes for our Christmas celebrations. We will also be holding a whole school assembly where staff and children will have our annual Christmas sing-a-long.

Exceed Football Competition

On Wednesday 17th December our Year 5 and 6 football team will be taking part in a cup competition against Farnham Primary School at Grange Technology College.  We wish them the very best of luck and I am sure that, as always, they will be wonderful ambassadors for our school.  Good luck!!

May I take this opportunity to wish you all an enjoyable and relaxing holiday and thank you for your continued support.  School will open again on Monday 5th January, 2015 at the usual time.

Mrs Shepherd







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