Daily Archives: July 5, 2015

Monday 29th June 2015

Hello everybody and welcome to our blog.  Once again, this is a very busy week at Copthorne as we will be holding our Aspiration week.  Please read the section below to find out what exciting things will be happening in school.

This week at Copthorne

Aspiration Week

This week is Aspiration week in school.  This is a week dedicated to encouraging our children to dream big; think about what they want to achieve in their lives and have the opportunity to shadow a job in school.  We will also have a range of people from different areas of life coming into school for the children to interview and find out about their jobs.  As a part of this, on Monday 29th June, we are inviting children to come to school dressed to represent the profession they would like to work in, in the future.  It would be lovely if you could spend some time with your child discussing their aspirations for the future and the job they’d really like to do.  We are really looking forward to this exciting week ahead.


Year 3 on Ilkey Moor ….Image result for cow and calf ilkley bradford images copyright free

On Tuesday 30th June, Year 3 will be visiting Ilkley as part of their Copthorne Curriculum topic comparing Bradford to Ilkley. Whilst they are in Ilkley the children will be visiting the Cow and Calf rocks which are a famous landmark on Ilkley Moor.  The rocks are named this way because the large rocky outcrop could be said to resemble a cow and the smaller one a calf.  The children will also have a look at the different features of Ilkley Town compared to Bradford town centre as well as comparing rail and road transport as part of their day. I know that the children will have a fantastic day and will learn lots of interesting facts.  Have a splendid day Year 3!

Transition Day

Wednesday 1st July is Transition day for the whole school.   During the morning children will visit their new class for next term and meet their new class teacher and the support staff with whom they will be working.  They will spend the morning  taking  part in activities and tasks to help staff and childen get to know each other.  Year 6 pupils will spend the day at their new upper schools and so will not be expected to come to Copthorne that day. We wish everyone a wonderful and exciting morning.

Year 6 SleepoverImage result for sleepover for children images copyright free

As we near the end of term, I am delighted to announce that we are organising a sleepover for our Year 6 children.  This is in response to requests from children and will also be used to help raise funds towards up-dating our library which children have also requested.  The sleepover will take place on Friday 3rd July at 7pm in the school hall where the children will watch a film and have pizzas together.  At the end of the evening the girls will sleep upstairs in the library and group room areas and the boys will sleep in the hall.  Both areas have access to their own toilets and washing facilities so, once it is time for bed, the boys and girls will be kept completely separate.  School staff will supervise the children at all times.  Children will need to be collected from school the following morning at 9am prompt.  Children must bring with them their pyjamas/sleeping clothes, a sleeping bag or duvet,  and  a pillow.  We can supply sleeping bags for those who wish to use them – just let us know about this well in advance. This will be a fantastic and exciting experience for our children and I do hope that as many of them as possible take part. 

‘We’re all going on a Summer Holiday.’Image result for scarborough images copyright free

On Friday 3rd July, the children in Reception will be travelling to Scarborough as part of their Copthorne Curriculum theme ‘We’re all going on a Summer Holiday’.  Whilst the children are in Scarborough they will be looking at how different the seaside is compared to Bradford. The children will also be building sandcastles as well as rock pooling.  I am sure the children will have a fabulous day at the seaside and I do hope that the sun shines for them.  Have a lovely time!

Playtimes and lunchtimes

In response to a number of requests from both parents and children, we have decided that from today, there will be no football allowed at break or lunchtimes in either playground.  Football will only be allowed on the Muga pitch and there will be a rota to allow each group to access this area.  We believe that our children will be safer and happier being able to play outside without the risk of being hit by a passing football.  In order to support us in this matter, please ensure that your child does not bring footballs or basketballs etc, to school.  Children on the Muga pitch will be provided with a football to play with.  Thank you for your support in this matter.

Dates for your diary

Open Evening for Parents – Thursday 9th July, 3.00-5.00pm

Attendance Assembly – Friday 10th July, 9.00am

School closes for children – Thursday 16th July at 3.00pm

Thank you all for your continued support.  I hope you have a lovely week and I would like to send our best wishes to all of you that are observing the very long fasts.  Our thoughts are with you at this special time.

Mrs Shepherd









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