Daily Archives: June 29, 2015

Monday 22nd June 2015



Welcome to all our visitors and thank you for looking at our blog.  As usual we have a very busy week in school with lots of exciting events taking place.

School Council Meeting

Last week, two of our School Councillors, along with Mrs Rice, went to Princeville Primary School to meet with other School Council children from schools in the Exceed Alliance.  The children had lunch and were given a tour of the school.  After lunch they shared ideas and discussed ideas for events they could hold together across the Alliance.  Mrs Rice informed me that the children were fantastic ambassadors for our school. 

This week at Copthorne

Linking Schools

As part of our linking schools project, our linking partners from All Saints Primary School will be visiting us on Monday 22nd June to spend the day with 4 Poplar.  The children have already met, as we joined them for two exciting days, one at Cartwright Hall and the other at their school.  During their visit the children will work with their linking schools partners and carry out a range of team building activities.  I am sure the visit will be a great success and I know that the children are very excited about meeting their friends at All Saints Primary once again.


Exceed in sports event

On Monday 22nd June, several of our children will be attending the Exceed in Sports event which will be held at Horsfall Stadium.  The competition will include a number of different sporting activities and children will compete against children from other schools based in our area.  We hope the children will be able to demonstrate the sporting skills and disciplines they have learnt during P.E. lessons.

Bag to School Collection

On Tuesday 23rd June we will be carrying out a collection of unwanted or used clothes, shoes, belts and handbags in order to raise money for the school fund. You should have already received a letter and collection bag from school but please feel free to fill as many additional bags as you can (bin bags can be used).  We would be grateful if you could also ask other members of your family and our community to fill bags for us. Please ensure that only items listed below are included:

Unwanted clothing, soft toys, belts, handbags and shoes.

The bags should be brought into school before 9am on Tuesday 23 June 2015. We value your help in raising funds which will allow us to provide even more stimulating experiences for Copthorne’s children.  Thank you for your continued support.

Copthorne’s Got Talent – The Final!!

On Tuesday 23rd June, we will be holding our annual Copthorne’s Got Talent Final.  The talent this year, as always, has been spectacular and I am extremely proud of all our children who have taken part this year.  If any parents/family members would like to come to watch the event we would be delighted to welcome you into school. If you are attending, please ensure that you arrive in school by 1.50pm.

The winners of the competition will then go on to take part in a grand final against our other LAP schools on Thursday 25th June. I would like to wish all our finalists the very best of luck. Go Copthorne!


Pirate Day – Year 1

On Friday 26th June, Year 1 are very lucky to be having a visit from a Pirate. We will be carrying out a range of pirate themed activities which will support their learning in class. To celebrate our pirate day children are welcome to come to school dressed as a pirate for the day. This is always a fantastic day for the children and I am looking forward to hearing all about what they have learnt from the Pirate.

I hope you and your families have a blessed Ramadan.  Thank you for all your continued support.

Mrs Shepherd












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