Daily Archives: May 17, 2015

Monday 18th May 2015

Hello everyone and I hope you all have had a lovely weekend.  I can’t believe we have nearly reached half term and I would like to thank you all for your continued support.  I hope that you all have a well deserved rest next week and the sun shines for you.

Year 6 SATs

Well done to our Year 6 students for working so hard during last week’s SATs.  The whole school is extremely proud of  you for your extremely positive attitude and 100% commitment. Thank you to all the staff for their hard work leading up to and, as invigilators, during the SATs. We would also like to say a great big thank you to all the parents/carers for ensuring that the children arrived for school in time for Breakfast Club, had a good night’s sleep each night and had 100% attendance during SATs. The whole week was a brilliant team effort. Now we’ll be focusing on writing ready for the final assessments in June. Keep going everyone!

Under 9’s Drax Cricket Competion

Last week, 8 of our Year 3 and Year 4 pupils attended the under 9’s Drax cricket competition at Park Avenue cricket club.  They played against other local primary schools and won all their games to take first place and secure a place in the Drax Bradford finals.  On Thursday 21st May they will attend the finals and play against other teams that qualified in their groups.  It will be a tough competition but we feel our team is ready for the challenge.  Good luck Copthorne!!

This week at Copthorne

KWIK Cricket Competition

On Monday 18th May some of our pupils will have the opportunity to play in the Under 11’s KWIK cricket competition against other pupils from other primary schools in Bradford.  The competition will be held at Great Horton Church Cricket club.  This will be an ideal opportunity for our pupils to put their sporting skills into practice and interact with pupils from other primary schools in our area. We have a strong team who have been well trained and of whom we have high expectations. We are aiming to make it through to the Kwik cricket Bradford finals.

Year 5 Copthorne’s Got Talent Auditions

This week it will be the turn of Year 5 and Year 6 to show the judges what amazing talents they have when they audition for Copthorne’s Got Talent. The judges have told me that in the previous round of auditions the talent was amazing and I am really looking  forward to seeing the range of skills and abilities that our children have.

Important Dates

Spring Bank Holiday: Monday 25th to Monday 1st June inclusive

Teacher Training Day: Monday 1st June: School will be closed for children

Once again I hope you have a fantastic break and I look forward to seeing our children back to school on Tuesday 2nd June at the normal time.

Mrs Shepherd






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