Daily Archives: May 12, 2013

Monday 13th May 2013

Hello everyone. I hope you have all had a restful weekend and are ready for another busy week.

This week is SATs week for our Year 6 children. They have worked really hard every day so far this year. Now it is their chance to show everyone what they can do as regards English and Maths. Our message to our children is that we believe that there are no limits to what you can achieve. We know that you can do it. Our thoughts are with you so keep calm, believe in what you can do and go for it!

This week at Copthorne

The timetable for the Year 6 SATs this week is as follows:

Monday 13th May AM: Reading

Tuesday 14th May AM: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Wednesday 15th May AM: Mental Maths, Maths Paper A

Thursday 16th May AM: Maths Paper B

Thursday 16th May PM: Level 6 Maths

Breakfast Club will be free for all our Year 6 children from Monday to Thursday this week. We are asking all our Year 6 children to try to arrive at school at 8.15am in order to have time for a good breakfast and to chat with their teachers so that they go into their tests calm and happy. It is especially important this week for each child to go to bed in plenty of time for a good night’s sleep.

Year 2 SATs

These take place throughout the next several weeks beginning this Friday 17th May, with the Long Writing task.

We send all our Year 6 and Year 2 children our best wishes and lots of love. We believe in you!

Exceed Alliance Cricket Competition

On Tuesday 14th May a team of Year 4 and 5 pupils will be taking part in the Exceed Cricket competition. We wish them all the best and know that as usual, they will be great team players.

Copthorne’s Got Talent

This week it is the turn of our Year 4 children to take part in the first round of auditions for Copthorne’s Got Talent. These will take place on Thursday 16th May between 12 and 1 pm in the Year 4 classrooms. I am sure that the acts will be of a very high standard and that, as usual, our judges will be very impressed. Good luck everyone.

Mrs Bentley to visit

On Friday 17th May  a special visitor is coming to speak to the children in Reception: Mrs Bentley (the mother of Miss Bentley in Foundation Stage) is bringing in a very precious china doll to show to the children. This will help them to find out about what toys were like in the past compared to the present day. We look forward to meeting Mrs Bentley and are very grateful that she has taken the time to come and visit Copthorne.

Thought for the week

Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.
– David Bly

Have a great week, everyone.

Mrs Shepherd


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