Daily Archives: March 13, 2013

Readathon Month

Hi, it’s Miss Rosindale here. Welcome to my Readathon blog.

I hope that you have been working with your class teachers to set yourselves reading targets and challenges for this month. I would love to know what they are so please comment below and share them with me.

I would also love to know about your favourite book. Please let me know what it is. I’d also love you to tell me what happens in the story. Finally, tell me why you like it.

I can’t wait to read your comments. When other people add their ideas, you will also be able to send them some comments.    HAPPY BLOGGING!!  🙂


Posted in News | 30 Comments

Your Gurdwara Visit

Year 3, I am really sad that I wasn’t able to come with you on your visit to the Gurdwara the other day.

Mrs Tatham has told me that your behaviour was fantastic so I am very proud of you. She also told me that you found out lots.

Firstly, could you tell me about your new learning on the day. I would like to know about at least two NEW facts that you found out.

Secondly, could you tell me about what you saw. Try to describe different parts the building and tell me about what you did in each place. Remember, I wasn’t there so I will need you to to put a lot of detail in so I can get a good picture in my mind.

Finally, what do you think I would have most enjoyed about the visit if I could have gone.

I can’t wait to read your blogs. Happy blogging from Mrs Shah.

Posted in Gurdwara and Mandir | 35 Comments