Year 4, during the next term you will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians.

Your teachers would love to know what you already know and what you would like to learn about. Over the holidays you could look at some websites and then write your ideas below.

Happy researching! 

31 Responses to Ancient Egypt

  1. A Batool says:

    Ancient Egypt

    The Rosetta stone.
    The Rosetta stone is a stone that was written on.It was created in 196BC. The stone was made by a group of priests in Ancient Egypt. It was made for the honour of the Pharaohs.

    From Anam Batool

    • Admin says:

      Great information Anam. Can you find out about any other amazing Egyptian artefacts ? Let me know what you find.
      Mrs Tatham.

  2. A Batool says:

    Ancient Egypt

    There are over 2,000 gods in Ancient Egypt.Here are some gods and their names-

    Ra was the god of the sun,he was a important god because he was the king of all the gods.

    Tefnut was the Goddess of the rain and had the head of lioness.

    Geb was a earth god.The Ancient Egyptians believed that earthquakes were Gebs laughter,Geb had the head of a goose.

    Amun was the king of the gods. When Amun was combined with the sun god Ra , Ra was even more powerful.He was then called Amun-Ra.

    These are some of the 2,000 gods in Ancient Egypt.

    • Mrs P Tatham says:

      Great work. These facts were really interesting. I am so glad that you seem tone enjoying your learning.

  3. A Batool says:

    Ancient Egypt

    Clothes – Egypt is a hot country so people wear light-weighted clothes. Ancient Egyptian clothes covered most of their skin and were made from plant fibres such as linen

    Pharaohs-Pharaohs are the most important and powerful person in the kingdom.He was the head of the government and high priest of every temple in Ancient Egypt.People think that Pharaohs are half god and half king or queen. Pharaoh are kings and queens.

    Tutankhamen-The most famous Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt is Tutankhamen. He became a Pharaoh when he was nine.The queen of Tutankhamen was Ankhesenamun.

    From A Batool 4 Beech

    • Mrs P Tatham says:

      Great research. I enjoyed reading your facts. Remember that pharaohs lived a long time ago so when we write about them, we need to use the past tense.

  4. A Ahmed says:

    The scarab beetle is a real beetle, a common beetle. To the ancient Egyptians, this common beetle symbolized hope and the restoration of life. They used the design of a scarab beetle in many ways.

  5. A Nadeem says:


  6. A Ahmed says:

    Egyptians used Canopic jars for holding mummified remains. Egyptians put a dead persons body parts like its liver, lungs and stomach inside a canopic jar.

  7. M Ismail says:

    River Nile -The river Nile is the most famous river in ancient Egypt.The tempreture in Egypt is really high compared to Braford. There is lots and lots of sand. That is how you can tell that it is hot. The pyramids are very high. Also by the time you will be up there you will be dying for water. There are also palm trees in Egypt. There are easy to climb. Under sand there is water to drink. There is a beach in Egypt and there are lots of pam trees near the beach. There are also some wells to drink from so you don’t get thirsty.


  8. A Nadeem2 says:

    1 In Ancient Egypt people used to wear old clothes like white shawls around their legs and they didn’t wear anything on the body because they weren’t rich enough to buy anything like clothes. In Ancient Egypt there was an enormous pyramid and on the front it had a huge human face.When people were dead in Ancient Egypt they had to wear death masks because when you die all your skin comes off and if you wore the speical death mask then that will make you and your skin look alive.
    2 Pyramids have been in Egypt for a long time. They are made from sandstone and inside the pyramids there is just straight paths. People think that tombs and coffins are in them but its not true.
    3 Jewellery – .The people in ancient Eygpt were very fond of jewellery.They would make their slaves dig deep down to get gold,diamond,silver and other valuable items and rocks.
    4 Pharaoh’s are the king of egypt.Pharaoh is another word for the king of egypt.They are normally nasty and cruel.They have lots of slaves to do all of their work and lots of free gold,gems and rubies.
    5 Mummies – In ancient Eygpt when people died they would wrap the body in paper.They put a liquid on the paper so the dead body would stay moisturised and then they would put it in a coffin.
    6 In the picture I can see palm trees in the sand on the end of the beach.
    7 I can see some huge black mountins in the middle of no where in Egypt.In the backrond there are some more mountains which are coverd in snow and I think there is some sea.
    8 The River Nile is the largest river in the whole wide world.It’s in Egypt .
    9 The capital of Egypt is Cairo.

  9. M Ismail says:

    River Nile -The River Nile is the most famous river in ancient Egypt. The temperature in Egypt is high.

  10. A Ahmed says:

    I will try my best this term and persevere to achieve my goal.

  11. Admin says:

    River Nile -The river Nile is the most famous river in ancient Egypt. Moses was in a basket and his mum but the basket on the river hoping that he will live.His mum did
    that because pharaoh had a dream that someone was going to kill him so he killed every single baby.Crocadiles lived in the river Nile.
    by I.Mahmood H.Ahmed
    4 Beech

  12. Admin says:

    Pharaoh- The Pharaoh’s son died in the tenth plague. Pharaoh tried to kill moses because he made a new religion and he said that Pharaoh was not a god , that he was just a man. He was the most powerful man in the whole of ancient Egyptian history. King Pharaoh was the cruelest and meanest man in Egypt.
    Pyramids- Pyramids are made by sand stone because if it was made by sand only it would collapse.Inside a pyramid it is very narrow and dim.Somtimes slaves used to sleep in pyramids but, it was really small inside.Pyramids are small inside but outside they are really big and tall . They have small tunnels inside.Slaves used to make these pyramids.
    Mummies -After Pharoahs died, people used to take their brains out and they wraped them up with tissue. Then people put the dead body in coffins.

    by I.Mahmood and H.Ahmed
    4 Beech

  13. P.Tatham says:

    Pyramids are mostly made out of sandstone because if pyramids were made out of normal sand it would automatically collapse.Inside a pyramid we think there is completely nothing, except a dark narrow and short tunnel. From the outside it is enourmous and solid.
    When the egyptions died we think they took their brain out of their nose and they hid it in a dark small cave,.Also when they died they got put into a box that looked liked a coffin.
    Men and women
    The rich Egyptians like the women and men wore shiny jewellery but, the poor ones had to wear old ragged clothes that were torn .
    Mummies were real dead people that got wrapped up into some bandages. The Egyptions were wrapped up for thousands of years and kept safe.

    R.Mustafa and I.Mahmood

    • Admin says:

      Well done. You already have some knowledge about the Egyptians. We will be learning lots more in class and , if you log onto the blog, you will be able to find weblinks to support your learning.

  14. Admin says:

    When an important person dies they take their heart and brain out and wrap their bodies with casts.
    When they wrap them up with casts they put suger and salt on their heart and brain.Then they lay them inside a coffin with the carved pharoh’s body made from metal.Finally they put them in a tomb.

    River Nile
    The River Nile is the largest river in the whole wide world.It’s in Egypt .

    Pyramids have been in Egypt for a long time.It’s made from sandstone and inside the pyramids there is just straight paths ,people think that tombs and coffins are in them but its not true.

    Pharaoh’s are the king of egypt.Pharaoh is another word for the king of egypt.Their normally nasty and cruel.They have lots of slaves to do all of their work and lots of free gold,gems and ruby’s.
    I Ali and H Jawo 4 Beech

  15. T Rafaqat says:

    In Ancient Egypt people used to wear old clothes like white shawls around their legs and they didn’t wear anything on the body because they weren’t rich enough to buy anything like clothes. In Ancient Egypt there was an enormous pyramid and on the front it had a huge mama face.When people were dead in Ancient Egypt they had to wear death masks because when you die all your skin comes off and if you wore the speical death mask then that will make you and your skin look alive. Tania 4 poplar

  16. M Supriyatna says:

    I haven’t started my topic yet but this is what I already know.
    People in the ancient Egyptian times use to wear clothes wrapped around their bodies. For the boys they wore white sheets and girls wore dresses up to there ankles and sleeves up to their elbows.
    Their jewllery was made out of real gold. The Pharoah was really rich so he had quite
    a lot of gold. The Pharoahs wife could wear it all and they wore golden crowns with animals on them.
    They wrote and carved their names and words in stone and gold which to us looks like
    symbols. Pharoas wrote with fancy pens and sent it with pigions or other types of birds.

    • Admin says:

      A great start to your new topic. You have told me what you already know in an interesting and organised way.
      Mrs Tatham

  17. W Ali says:

    Ancient Egypt:
    Pyramaids:Pyramaids are made out of sand and some have the pharaohs faces on. Inside the pyramaids there are lots of pictures around the walls and they mean something. There are also the mummies which are buried inside the pyramaids. Some have their ashes in. I think that the pharaohs used to live and stay at the very top of the pyramaids.
    River Nile:The River Nile is a huge river which is red because of the ten plagues which happened many many years ago. The river Nile is joined onto the gulf of Seuz. The River Nile is a very famous river in Egypt
    Slaves: The slaves were very poor and were very hard working and were still not treated well. Many of them suffered from not much food and died. We think that the slaves were usually jews because the Egyptians hated them.
    By Wania and Madiha

    • Admin says:

      Well done, you organised your ideas into what you already know before we start to study the theme of Egypt. Keep adding to the blog as you learn please.

      Mrs Tatham.

  18. H Khan says:

    (1) Mummies – In ancient Eygpt when people died they would wrap the body in paper.They put a liquid on the paper so the dead body would stay moisturised and then they would put it in a coffin.
    (2) Pyramids – Pyramids are made out of sand stone blocks .The blocks are layererd upon each other. The people in ancient Egypt put the dead people inside the pyramid.
    (3)Jewellery – .The people in ancient Eygpt were very fond of jewellery.They would make their slaves dig deep down to get gold,diamond,silver and other valuable items and rocks.
    (4)Slaves – It was a harsh world for a slave.They would have to do really hard work for their owners.Sslaves were not treated well as well.

    • Admin says:

      You already know lots of interesting facts. In the next few weeks, you will be able to share lots of new learning with me.
      Mrs Tatham.

  19. W Ali says:

    Dear teachers, I already know some things about Ancient Egypt.

    Love from Wania Ali

    • Mrs P Tatham says:

      Great Wania. Please share what you know as this way you can teach other children who look at our school blog.

  20. S Afsar says:

    Dear Teachers,
    I will find some things about the Ancient Egyptians and tell you over the holidays.

    Love from Sanna Afsar

    • Mrs Shepherd says:

      Hello Sanna,

      I hope that you are having a wonderful holiday and finding out loads about the Egyptians. I look forward to hearing all about it.

      Keep up the hard work.

      Mrs Shepherd

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