Monday 16th September 2013

Welcome to another exciting week at Copthorne.

Last week was a wonderful week during which we saw the launch of our work for the Stephen Lawrence Education Standard.  Children took part in drumming workshops, african dancing, aboriginal art as well as learning about how to “show racism the red card” and there’s more to come this week.

This week at Copthorne

Phonics Workshop 

There will be a Phonics Workshop for parents of children in Reception classes. The workshop will take place today, Monday 16th September, at both 9am and again at 2.15pm.  These workshops will explain to parents how our children are taught the first steps in reading.  You will be given ideas to help you support your child at home.  Everyone attending will be given a “goody bag” to take away which contains materials to help your child with phonics at home.  We look foward to seeing you at what is always an enjoyable and informative event.

Bag to School

On Tuesday 17th September at 9am we will be holding another bag to school collection to help raise funds for the Firefighters Charity as well as school funds.  Please support this event by filling as many bags, (black bin bags can be used as well as the one provided), with unwanted clothing, shoes, bags, belts and soft toys.  It is always overwhelming to see the wonderful support for such events by our community and of course it helps us to be able to offer even more exciting activities to support our children’s learning.

Visitors from Swaine House Primary School

On Thursday 19th September, we will be delighted to welcome a group of teachers from Swaine House Primary School who will be having a look around our Early Years Foundation Stage.  In particular they will be looking at the outside areas to help get ideas to develop Foundation Stage provision at their school.  As you know,  at Copthorne we are always thrilled to share our  practice with other schools and, equally, to learn from others. We hope our visitors have a great visit and that they will take back lots of ideas to share.

Building Learning Power (BLP) Day

Friday 20th September is Building Learning Power Superhero Day.  All children will be coming to school dressed as someone – real or fictional – whom they see as a good example of the qualities, or BLP Muscles, that make effective learners. For example, children might dress up as someone they see as being resiliant,who perseveres or is a good collaborator. Our children are always excited to talk about BLP and this day helps them to focus on the characteristics that we need to develop to be lifelong, independent learners.

Steel Drums

On Friday 20th September, 6 Sycamore will be working with our visiting steel drumming group as part of our Stephen Lawrence event.  There will be a performance by the children at 2.30pm in the hall and parents and family members would be most welcome to attend.

Copthorne Primary School Autumn Fayre

We will be holding a Community Autumn Fayre on Saturday 28th September between 1pm and 4pm in the school grounds.  The children from each class have been developing stalls which they will run on the afternoon.  The afternoon will also include some sporting activities along with stalls from members of the community such as mendhi, nail art and clothing and scarves.  The event will also help us to share with our community some of the work we have been doing around celebrating diversity. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible as we know that these events really help to bring our community together.


Have another wonderful week.

Mrs Shepherd







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