Hello everyone and I hope you have had a lovely weekend. I can’t believe how quickly the last 2 weeks and gone by. Our children have settled to learning and its is great to see them working so hard in their new classes.
This week at Copthorne
Year 2 Parents’ Meeting
On Tuesday 15th September Year 2 parents are invited to attend a short meeting to discuss the expectations of pupils as regards work, behaviour and homework. You will also be given advice about supporting your child’s learning at home and also the importance of reading at home. The meeting will be held at 9.00am. We look forward to seeing as many parents as possible.
Thackray Museum Visit
We have arranged to take children in Year 2 to the Thackray Museum in Leeds on Wednesday 16th September . This visit has been arranged in order to support the work they are doing around the theme of Florence Nightingale. I am sure the children will have a fantastic day and learn a great deal.
Phonics Meeting for Reception Parents
On Thursday 17th September there will be a another chance for parents to attend a meeting to find out how they can support their child now that they have moved into Reception class. This meeting is for parents who could not attend the meeting that was held last week and it is very important that Reception parents attend. It will be the last chance to receive a support pack for your child.
Return of Forest Schools
This Friday, 18th September, we see the return of Forest Schools. Pupils in 4 Beech will take part in the sessions every Friday for six weeks. These sessions play a very important part in the childrens’ learning and form part of the Copthorne Curriculum. This is always a popular trip with our children who will take part in activities to build their self-esteem and confidence in an outdoor environment. All learning during the day takes place outside where the children learn woodland craft and explore the woods. Through such activities the children also develop care and responsibility for our environment. I am sure they will have a fantastic time and I look forward to hearing all about their adventures on their return to school.
Dates for your Diary
School Closed for Eid: Wednesday 23rd September to Friday 25th September inclusive
School Photographs for all: Monday 28th September
McMillan Coffee Morning: Friday 2nd October
Wishing you a lovely week.
Mrs Shepherd