Monday 2nd February 2015

Welcome to another week at Copthorne.  I hope you all enjoyed playing in the snow last week. We rarely have to close school but unfortunately, last Thursday, we felt that it was the best thing to do for health and safety reasons.

This week at Copthorne

Comenius Visit to Spain

Today Miss Horton, Mrs Parveen, Mr Rizvi and I will be travelling to Spain to visit our Comenius Partners.  We are looking forward to meeting representatives from the 9 other countries in the project.  Whilst in Spain we will be visiting the Spanish school, Blas Infante, in Malaga as well as  learning all about the Spanish culture and visiting local landmarks.. On our return we will be sharing our experiences with staff and children and completing further work on our Once Upon a Time project.


Injury Minimization Programme for Schools

On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, our Year 6 children will be visiting the Bradford Royal Infirmary as part of the annual Injury Minimization Programme for Schools.  The visit has been arranged in order to give the children some basic first aid training.  I am hopeful that we have several Mary Seacoles, Florence Nightingales and Alexander Flemings amongst our    children!

Year 4 visit to York

On Thursday 5th February, Year 4 will be travelling to York to visit both the Yorkshire and Castle Museums.  The visit has been arranged to support the children’s Copthorne Curriculum learning about the history of York.  The children will leave school at the normal time and will return to school at 4.15pm.

Community Hearts Awards

I am also delighted to announce that Copthorne Primary School is one of the two finalists in the Community Hearts Awards in the category: Schools Contribution to the Community.  Also, Mr A Khan is a finalist in the Inspirational member of support staff category. Congratulations to Mr Khan and, of course, to our whole school. Thank you to the parents who nominated us.  The results will be announced at the award ceremony which will be held on Friday 20th March at Rio Grande in Bradford. 

Star of the Month Assembly

This Friday, 6th February, we will hold our Star of the Month Assembly. At the assembly one pupil from each class will be  rewarded for exceptional learning behaviour and work.  Staff working in each class  nominate the children they feel have displayed a no excuses, positive attitude. Well done to this month’s award winners – Copthorne is so proud of you all.

I hope you have a lovely week. I will miss you but look forward to seeing you again next Monday.

Mrs Shepherd




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