Monday 1st December 2014

Hello everyone and I hope you have had a lovely rest over the weekend.  I cannot believe we are in the month of December already, how quickly this year has gone by! We have, as usual, another busy week ahead of us at Copthorne.

Ladies’ Night

I would just like to say a big thank you to all the parents and staff for making our Ladies’ Night a huge success.  The evening was fabulous and all the models in the fashion show looked amazing.  Thank you to the ladies that did make up and hair and a special mention to Miss Nisar for organising the evening so well. I am already looking forward to next year’s event!

This week at Copthorne

Reception are going on a bear hunt

This week our Reception children will be visiting Judy Woods as part of their topic this term which is bears.  While the children are at the woods they will be exploring the natural environment and going on a bear hunt!  They will also be taking part in activities such as leaf rubbing and a sound and nature walk.  I hope the weather stays dry for them. 2R will be going to the woods on Monday afternoon and  1R will be going on Thursday morning. I hope you have a lovely time and hope you are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the bears!


New to English Exceed Christmas Party

The Exceed Alliance is hosting a Christmas Party which will take place on Tuesday 2nd December at the Khidmet Centre to which our New to English children are invited.  The children will enjoy drinks and snacks and will take part in activities such as games, singing, dancing and will also have a visit from Santa Claus! The children have been making decorations and hats in school and parents were invited into school last week to help the children make buns for the party.  I am sure the children will have a wonderful time and will come back to school full of Christmas spirit.


Forest Schools – 3 Larch

As part of the creative curriculum this year, Year 3 children will take part in a Forest school session.  The children will go to St Ives in Bingley to take part in Forest School activities as part of their work in class.  The weather has now turned much colder so children will need to be wrapped up warm.  Some of the children visited St Ives last week and they thoroughly enjoyed working outside in the natural environment. The visits will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.


Year 1 Time Travellers

This half term, Year 1’s Curriculum focus in Time Travellers which includes learning about schools in the past.  To support their work they will be going on an educational visit to the Bradford Industrial Museum on Wednesday and learning what a Victorian school day was like. The work the children will be doing is part of the statutory National Curriculum and will support their work in history and will help to stimulate their writing.  I am sure they will have a very educational day learning about what life in schools used to be like.


Year 3 Visit to Cadbury World

Year 3 have been learning about robots this term and on Thursday they will visit Cadburys World in Birmingham where they will see real life robots in action and will also tie in with their class novel “Charlie and the Chocolate factory”. This will be a very exciting visit for the children and I know they have worked really hard fundraising to help fund this trip. I do hope they have a lovely visit but try not eat too much chocolate along the way!

NSPCC Number Day

On Friday we will be holding a Number Day in school to help raise the profile of Maths in school and raise funds for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.  NSPCC Number Day is a fun, nationwide maths fundraising event for children and young people of all ages. On that day we will be asking for a small donation of 50p and children can come to school dressed in casual clothes but they must have a link to numbers.  For example: a football shirt with a number on.  Children will be playing maths games throughout the morning and competing in a quiz to find the Mathematician of the year. I am sure this will be a very enjoyable and educational day for everyone as well as raising vital funds for a very worthwhile charity.

I hope you have a lovely week

Mrs Shepherd






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