Board Games


We are designing board games in Maths and have been evaluating some in class.

What is your favourite board game and why is it so good? What would be a good Maths theme for a board game?

Add your comments below. Thanks 🙂

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5 Responses to Board Games

  1. A Ayaz says:

    My favourite board game would be Ludo because when I play it with my family
    we all seem to enjoy it and have fun. It’s a great way to have fun and bring the
    Family together!

    I think themes should be according to who the game is being aimed at.
    For example if it’s a family game then a sort of heart-warming comedy is most

  2. S Farooq says:

    My favourite board game is Monopoly too because it’s for more than two players.
    It also tests the bankers knowledge of adding and takeaway.
    A good theme should be something nice and colourful like a jungle.

  3. T Latif says:

    A football pitch or space.

  4. H Nelson says:

    I like Monopoly too but I wouldn’t ever win because my brother was so good at it!! I like your ideas.

  5. F Malik says:

    I would say that 1 of my favourite board games are Monopoly. The reason I have chosen this game, is because it tests your knowledge of money, as well as having a fun way of learning how to work out money.

    A good theme for a Maths Board Game can be a football game/pitch, or maybe a princess theme for the younger girls that enjoy playing with princesses

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