Your Learning

We are always working hard to help you develop your learning in school. It would be very helpful if you could tell us about the kind of activities which you have most enjoyed over the last year.

Try to use your login details for the blog. If you can’t remember them, you can just type in the space below.

It would also be helpful if you could tell us about the kind of activities you would like to do in lessons this year. You might like to ask your parents for their ideas too!

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3 Responses to Your Learning

  1. Farah Malik says:

    To be honest, I love the fact that the Year 6 teachers, Miss Bray and Miss Nelson, try to make the lessons extra fun.
    And referring back to what Aribah said, sometimes we might pretend to be the teacher, but I would say that, in English, we do more activities which may include Hotseating. I think it is very good and helps me to develop my answering and understanding of questions more. For example, when we were doing news reports about the fake burglary, at the end of the lesson one person pretended to be a victim whilst the rest of the class asked questions. This activity (I think!), was very useful in helping us to achieve the next part of our target. The teacher also explained how open questions are mostly used when wanting loads of detail.

  2. Aribah Ayaz says:

    At the end of a lesson, to show the teacher what we have learnt, we pretend to be the teacher!

    • Mrs Shepherd says:

      Sounds great, Aribah! Please can you give visitors to our blog a bit more information of what this involves and how it allows you to show your learning?

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